
Gotta go with Jon C. Holmes as private dick Johnny Wadd in any of the 1970s classics. He was really the only actor of his era that could really give the role the meaty substance it deserved…

Yeah, you can also just barely hear it playing in the background of that scene. IMHO, that "Whiskey Train" opening lick is the absolute pinnacle of rockin' blues guitar and one of the reasons Robin Trower achieved god-status. Can't believe the reviewer missed it…

Wow, didn't even get to the flash mob or Mimi death scenes. Ten minutes into this episode and I was questioning why I had ever spent a single minute watching this series. Truly ridiculous and pathetic at this point. Never again…

As much as I've been enjoying this series, they've really pushed the limits of my suspension of disbelief with the plot-line. It's entertaining and all but, c'mon, there's no way it's believable that, in the U.S.A., a man as evil and obviously guilty as this fictional "O.J." character could be acquitted just because

Writing / directing / starring? Hey, if Vinnie Chase could pull off the triple-threat and make one of the biggest blockbusters in Hollywood history, then there's no reason this young chap can't do the same…

Methinks you think too much. It's just people talking, not rocket science…

Hey, when I was a kid skiing for the A-Basin team back in the early 70s, everybody complained that all of the jerk Californians & Texans were clogging up the slopes and ruining it for all us "real" Coloradans. But nobody turned down their money…

I only learned that term last week - "Social Justice Warrior"

"What’s left to say about this season of The Brink?"
Better question: What’s left to say about this season's reviews of The Brink?

This explains why interns don't get paid…

Or try this this pro "hack"-
Go to Chipotle wearing a ski mask and carrying a sawed-off shotgun. Ask for all the money in the register.
Then go to Costco and fill your cart with rice, beans, tortillas, guac, and pork.
Go home and stuff your face until the cops the show up.

"I don't often eat burritos, but when I do, I make sure to leave the staff at Chipotle filled with seething hatred for me."

Good news and bad news…
The good news is, it really works…
Bad news is, since it works so well, poor lil' Nat is taking on about 60 lonely guys a day, so the bloom is off the rose, so to speak…

Would it be too much to ask to get someone who actually watches this show to do the next review?

Spot on regarding "ball" and "balling". For that time frame, it would have been entirely believable that both the cop and the biker would use this slang.

Here's one where the opening act didn't show up because they hated the headliner…

Wait, did you say "Gruffudd"? Damn, I missed it by two letters…

What the hell is wrong with you children? How on earth did no one choose the adorable "Blood" from the 1975 film "A boy and his dog" (adapted from the Harlan Ellison story and starring a very young Don Johnson)?

I'm glad they ended the Jake/Sophia relationship. Every time Eva Langora & Andy Samberg were shown as a couple, the same question would pop into my head as when I saw Leo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet together in Titanic: Why is that old woman molesting that young boy?

So, assuming Luke eventually goes to college, I think he's planning on majoring in date rape… his understanding of how sex works is that you get a girl drunk and then try to pressure her into screwing you after she's already said "no". Great job with your kid there, Phil. When you're teaching him magic tricks, maybe