
I know; if he couldn't figure out how to get a thorny crown on his head, at least Sutter could have given us stigmata marks on Jax's outstretched hands, or the license plate of the oncoming truck could have been "INRI", just so we could be sure what he was really getting at.

So wait…Jax turned out to be Jesus? Man, do I feel dumb. I guessed that he was really Batman…

Remember, Jax's true gift to Wendy wasn't giving her back her son. It wasn't giving her another kid who she doesn't really have any legal claim to. It wasn't even quit-claiming a few properties to her.
His real, special gift to her was using his magic butt to convert her back from the evil lesbian lifestyle she had

Tell me about it…I think it would have been more realistic if the scene was done in stop-action claymation

I commend Mr. Sutter on his keen business sense. Pocketing the special effects budget for this episode and farming out the CGI work to a junior high school computer class was a very shrewd move. I don't think anyone even noticed.

And he survived? What are the odds?

B+? Why weren't you handing out grades when I was in college?

Jax must be genuinely jonesing…he didn't murder a single soul this episode, unless uppercutting Unser out of remission counts as a kill.
He's really going to need to step up his game and his body count in the last two episodes if he has any chance of going down in history with the all-time greats of mass murder, like

It's a shame that Kurt Sutter's influence for stunt casting only extends to being able to get Alice Cooper wannabees and chicks that think they're talented because their dead husband was. If he had any real juice, he could have gotten Quentin Tarantino to play the AB Nazi asshole.

There wasn't a single show mentioned in this article that I didn't remember. God, I'm old…