Scott M

Eyeroll for #5. Fred was the worst on a show with many candidates for that title.

That guy sounds awesome. Anyway, yeah, it was perfectly fine just the way it was. Fetishizing practical effects for no reason is dumb. You can bet that some effects houses in the 80s and earlier, had the tech been available, would have been all over CG instead of trying to fabricate shit from latex.

Any network that can't make money on a Tina Fey show should get out of the money-making business.

Most of the voice cast bears a pretty good resemblance to the animated versions.. with one very notable exception.

Are we not doing phrasing anymore? Because it's fine if we're not, I just want to know.

There was also a one-season spinoff called The Girl From U.N.C.L.E.

"Ritchie’s take on Sherlock Holmes felt hollow even when it was fun"

I could literally talk for hours, and probably have, about how awesome/terrible Torque is. Fastlane too. But especially Torque.

It is great and it is great, but I would argue that the best cover and album is the white album.

Then I guess your experience does not include The Book of Mormon.

So are the FF in the DC universe movies now?

I had the misfortune of seeing this yesterday. Josh Gad was good. The rest was not.

The Aristocrats!

Calling Libertarianism a political philosophy is awfully generous. With that kind of generosity, I hope you're also giving to the homeless- oh. Oh, right.

Something something Interstellar something.

Gosh, I don't remember Finnegan ever being this harsh. He mostly flopped around and said nothing. Kind of like what you're doing now I guess, now that I think about it.

Yeah, there is only so far you can go with "playing poker with kittens" jokes. But I did enjoy, as the series went on, how Boreanaz was able to play this long-suffering straight man, as opposed to the tortured romantic lead he had to be on Buffy. It was a show that had to overcome some serious setbacks too.. the loss

"Pookie?" No one calls me that except.. mom? Is that you?

Aw, how sweet. And you have a Finnegan avatar from Mr. Dressup! Love it.

The more I think about your comment, the more I think you are literally insane. Please go back on your meds.