Scott M

Tim Minear, is that you?

Why you like Fred is between you and your God. I certainly can't fathom it. And that's ok. We don't all have to like the same stuff. Maybe Fred reminds you of your big, dumb sister. Or your mom after she had a lobotomy. Who can say?

Sure, I'm a troll. You got me. I'm just here to rile up the Real Fans Who Are Always Right. I don't care about this stuff at all.

It's hard to imagine that a professed fan of Fred would have that kind of intelligence, but if you want to be an optimist, knock yourself out. And it kind of doesn't matter; the uncritical fan is all too real and prevalent. As are pedants, but at least pedants don't encourage Hollywood to keep making Sharknado films.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the Uncritical Fan. This is how you wind up with over a dozen seasons of Stargate, seven seasons of Star Trek: Voyager, and any seasons of The Big Bang Theory.

I think we're talking about 2 different shows. I'm talking about the one that had Riley in season 4 and Glory in season 5 and had an idiotic "magic=drugs" storyline in season 6. There were some great individual episodes in all of those seasons to be sure, but as seasons, they suffered from a formula. Meet the big bad,

I don't know why you would hesitate, Buffy was pretty inconsistent too. It peaked with season 3 and slogged through 4 more.

I hated Fred and was not sorry to see her go. At least Allyria was useful, and was a better fit for Acker's just-been-hit-in-the-head-with-a-shovel acting. I did feel bad for Wesley, though. That poor bastard. Felt bad for Kate too. So many lives ruined because they met Angel.

It really was. Pound for pound, the best Whedon series to last more than a season, though I guess it couldn't have gotten there without Buffy to launch it.

Just saw this today and both LeBron and John Cena were delightful. Always nice when a picture is better than you think it will be, and I thought this would be pretty good.

Maria Hill asks where Pepper and Jane are in the party scene of Ultron, leading to a weird pissing contest between Tony and Thor.

Alan Thicke wrote the theme song for Diff'rent Strokes AND The Facts of Life. He knows what's what.

KIDS, the most overrated horseshit movie of the 90s. And that is saying something.

I had a nice long chat on the phone 20+ years ago with cartoonist Matt Feazell after he put his actual phone number (at the time) in the backup comics that he used to do for Scott McCloud's ZOT! Met him a few years after that at a convention in Montreal when we were both pimping mini-comics. Sweet guy.

So is the kid who was sent home for jerking off in this? What was his name, Jonas?

The Tight Stuff.

Insert mean joke about not realizing Shirley was gone here.

Gosh, I hope they don't inadvertently destroy the Hard Rock Cafe in Dundas square.

Which is a bit odd, since Toronto has been used as a filming location for foreign and domestic productions for decades. Hell, Casa Loma alone.