Scott M

Black is white! Up is down! John Mayer slays with a guitar solo!

I am 46 years old - I was at ground zero for the original trilogy. My general assessment of the films is that if you were to graph their quality, they would look like a lopsided, inverted bell curve, with Episode 4 at the highest point, 5 a bit lower, 6 much lower, 1 at the bottom, 2 at about the same level as 6, 3

I'm confused, is the villain tyrannical, or the codpiece?

Public Domain heroes! Saving the world with their publicly available devices and powers!

Dear Paleo: fuck off

That son of a bitch! He's gone from a distant second to number one with a bullet on my list of terrible Bonos.


Was Sonny Bono a key figure in those extensions of copyright? I didn't realize. Here I thought I only hated his music.

Well put. And now that Disney owns Marvel, oy.

Remind me why these works that are an average of 90 years old are not also in the public domain? Oh right, because copyright law is insane.

Been rewatching X-Files and there is quite an evolution for GA in the first season alone, from Supercuts-level hair and boxy jackets to a glimmer of the hotness that would be firmly in place by the first movie.

She'll always be Lien from As The World Turns to me. Also in that era of the show: Julianne Moore, Parker Posey, Lauryn Hill, and Jason Biggs.

James Spader is only 55?

To your first point, I'll thank you not to presume what I think or what I need to think about.

I am amazed that Milo Ventimiglia is not signed on for this. He just did Gotham, for crissakes.

I'm thinking much worse, because so far as I know, Letterman's relations with female staffers were consensual, whereas CK's sexual assaults of female comics - and that is what it is, if true - was not.

They announced Coke Classic only a few months after New Coke. Maybe a long time by the standards of the internet world, but it was a pretty quick turnaround.

I worked for my local bottler of Coke at the time. New Coke was considered to be a no-lose proposition: either people liked the new formula (and some did), or they raised hell and Coke would go back to the old one eventually. In the meantime, tons of free publicity about the "controversy" and a hardening of brand

Nice made-up words, Hollywood Reporter. "The cabler"?

"Action-comedy" is an awfully generous description for Cop Out.