Scott M

Do youuu belieeeeve in Boooob
Do youuu belieeeeve it's truuuue
This is the water and this is the well
*Huey Lewis' skull is crushed*

There's a shitload of them in Wild At Heart too, if I'm not mistaken, and the same sort of fairy godmother/angel imagery that Laura sees at the end of FWWM.

"If it isn’t from Japan and it isn’t animated, can it still be anime?"

And Danny Pudi was in The Winter Soldier!

Rewatching it now, for the I-don't-know-how-manyth time. I can't believe it is ten years old.

Though ironically, You're The Worst is the best.

It would be amazing if they could do the recent Fraction/Aja series, but that would mean introducing Kate Bishop, and if they're going to do that, they may as well make a Young Avengers series, and *explodes*

Is this at all surprising? Really?

I really must catch up on this show. I quite liked what little I've seen. Been watching a similar show from Germany called Deutschland '83 about a young man from East Germany pressed into becoming a spy in West Germany during arms negotiations.

Good stuff. I would also recommend the recent Martin Short special "I, Martin Short, Goes Home" and the brilliant Dave Foley's "True Meaning of Christmas Specials".

The Nao of Brown. Also, fuck you.

I spent most of the 90s ignoring Marvel and DC comics (and I think that was wise, in retrospect) and had stopped reading New Mutants somewhere around issue 50, so I didn't really know who Deadpool was until recently. My 13 year old son loves him and wishes he could see the movie, but I already made the mistake of

"It's an 88 Magnum. It shoots through schools!"

Who Fucking Cares, Internet?

I guess I won't argue that it is a well-shot movie, but it is also kind of tedious, so that probably doesn't help its chances any. I really hoped it would be more entertaining than it was, given its cast - not unlike, say, They Came Together. It ends and you kind of shrug and say "yeah, ok."

And, for HBO: Silent Puller House

Silent Fuller House

You could probably insert a lot of words into the blank between entitled and nerd, yes. Anime, comics, coffee, NASCAR, wrestling, etc.

Yeah, it was disappointing. I only bring it up because it seemed like a fairly popular example of what I was getting at.

Entitled means having the idea that you (I mean entitled fans, not you specifically) could do a better job with a popular entertainment franchise than the literally hundreds of hardworking talented people who work on it for a living. Armchair quarterbacks, as it were.