Scott M

Oh no, my comment count is too low? And I'm unhip because I use my real name? *frets*

It's not "my" rap, Richie Cunningham. However, a lot of "your" rock and roll owes everything to a host of black musicians, some of whom got recognized in the hall and many of whom have not. Led Zeppelin? Are you fucking joking with that shit? "Rock and roll" is a label invented by a white DJ. It doesn't mean anything

No. Are you some kind of fucking racist idiot who doesn't comprehend the influence that they had on popular music? Which is, after all, what the "rock and roll" hall of fame recognizes.

Ain't no nerd worse than an entitled Trek nerd. I wonder how they would have felt if that film had come out instead of pretty much anything after the third TOS film. Into Darkness looks like Citizen Kane compared to most Trek, TV or film.

Cheap Trick and NWA: about fucking time.
Deep Purple: sure, I guess.
Chicago and Steve Miller: are you fucking kidding me

I recall Blair Witch as a good film, inventive for its time. It shouldn't be blamed for the millions of shitty found footage movies that came afterward.

Not great, sure. but very good. It's a gothic romance. Those stories are all the same. No one should expect otherwise. The difference here is in DelToro's art direction and unusually good actors being cast in this kind of film.

I liked Mad Max a lot. Was it the best film of the year? Enh, maybe. Glad to see Sicario make the list, and Crimson Peak (part of which was shot here in my small Ontario city). I dunno that I would rank It Follows this highly; I have a feeling we will look back on it the way we do now with The Blair Witch Project.

What rubbish. Hembeck was a workmanlike, adequate humour cartoonist, like Dave Manak for DC in the 70s. If someone wants to collect and celebrate his work, fine. What do I care? Hell, I'd love to see a collection of PLOP! one day, but that doesn't mean I'm going to lobby for it to be on a best-of list.

Love him all you like, but to put him on a list of best comics produced in 2015 is mental.

You'll get no argument from me on Corto Maltese, which is great stuff, but is this the fucked up reprint series where they butchered the original flow of the pages? Because if it is, people are better off not reading it and looking for the older editions.

Oh right, DOFP. Duh. How can I forget the gift of wiping out X3?

I'm sure they will figure out a way to explain this (assuming they care to), but doesn't Nightcrawler have to introduce himself to everybody in X2? Maybe the end of this movie is a big memory wipe all around?

ICYMI: punctuation != grammar

Pepe the king prawn is the best Muppet.
He makes up for all of the Muppets in The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth.

I'm fine with it if the Defenders never show up in the MCU films. The only logical crossover is Agents of SHIELD, since they are working away in the background of the films doing whatever they're doing, and I assume their current stuff will get a throwaway mention in the Inhumans film. Heck, maybe they'll even put

Haha, suck it Pernell Roberts! You weren't even the best Trapper John!

Stop, or My Ruby Script Will Shoot

I eat reasonably well and cook my own meals, bake my own bread if I am not being lazy, etc. But I also drink Dr. Pepper pretty frequently, or when I can find it, Cherry Coke. Safe to say I have a sugar/caffeine addiction and since I hate coffee, it seems like the most efficient delivery system. Plus I hate my teeth.

Like, a garden hose? I dunno, man.