Scott M

I did see it, and it was great. Ordinarily I would roll my eyes at an American remake for hicks who can't or won't read subtitles, but I could see this remake being even more cutting if it takes on some aspects of US masculine culture. Though there wouldn't be much point in JLD being a "gender-swapped lead" - the film

I generally don't care about spoilers and get annoyed with people who are dicks about it after a reasonable period (like, more than a week after a show airs). That said, it does sometimes seem like today's films and TV are designed to have Big Important Moments that are intended to shock. Like, say, the Red Wedding or

My understanding is that the BBC owns the Top Gear brand and, I assume, the unique aspects of the format (Star in a reasonably priced car, etc.) Of course, Sky also has a ton of money, so if they want to do a knockoff I'm sure they will.

I'm curious as to where this story comes from. If he was so concerned about eating a steak he could have had one in the pub.

It's no secret that Sky wants Clarkson. Dunno if he wants them back. :)

I'm not saying it is admirable, but as someone who has been on much smaller movie and TV sets and in the theatre for years, it absolutely is understandable to me. If I was the ostensible leader of a huge TV show and one of my producers fucked up so that my cast and crew is going hungry after a long day shooting, I can

This is a surprising decision by the BBC, which is not known for integrity in its decision making - which, come to think of it, is maybe why they felt they had to this time. It's surprising because Clarkson's version of the show is a huge cash cow for them, and his punch-up with a segment producer- not THE producer of

Nothing gets by you, huh?

Big Hero 6 was robbed!

I wish they had done more of that Felicity spoof - Madison Chooses, I think? with the girl from Suburgatory.

Much, much better, thanks to the new characters and the supporting cast.

You could also just replace this entire list with Frank Zappa's You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore albums.

Eyeroll for including Free Bird, but respect for including 1974.

*Shailene Woodley checks her phone again to make sure the ringer is on*

Oh, Marcel.

So, so great. In retrospect I'm amazed it lasted as long as it did. I assume NBC grit their teeth and stuck it out for 100 episodes due to the kind of demonic pacts that they had around syndication back then.

Thanks for illustrating my point. The old fandom trope (or tripe) that says if it's not my generation's [insert object of obsession here; a videogame, comic book, Ghostbusters, TMNT, Transformers, Star Trek, Star Wars], it's not "authentic". What nonsense.

Oh, poor McGinley. That is quite a cast. Why the fuck is Sean Astin in this? Shouldn't he be stinking rich on LOTR money?

Final Fantasy is one of the all-time great game series. It is deep and wide and tall, with titles that appeal to a variety of tastes. The main problem with it is a group of entitled fans who see one particular game - FFVII - as the pinnacle of the genre, instead of what it actually was, which was a pretty good game

Works for me. I love my Apple TV; it is probably least appreciated, best value-for-cost product. I will dance on cable's grave.