Scott M

Whoever is in charge of comedy at NBC needs to be taken out back and shot, assuming they had the option to pick up Kimmy Schmidt before it went to Netflix.

I'm sure that given the opportunity, Desplat can swipe from classical composers just as well as Williams has. Maybe better!

When I saw the headline I thought "oh, that's too bad," then I clicked the link and saw the 3D-rendered colour abortion above and changed my mind.

1) you are using "cynical" incorrectly
2) you are being a sexist pig
3) fuck off.

I would hardly call The Babadook a triumph, unless being competent is a triumph these days. Which, upon reflection, I suppose it is. Nice production design at least.

Hooray! Another unwanted sequel to an overpraised comedy!

They did it with The 100 as well. No idea why.

Just in case you were serious, the "modern" incarnation of The Littlest Hobo (it originated as a b&w show in the 60s) has been uploaded to Youtube by this fellow: https://www.youtube.com/use…

Ugh, Shomi. Another reason to be glad I dropped cable a couple of years ago.

He also complained about the way that the thumbs up/thumbs down system from his and Siskel's TV series became so prevalent. At least with a four-star rating system, there is a pretty substantial body of criticism stretching back decades that you can refer to (Pauline Kael being its most obvious proponent).

Better than both originals by far.

I dunno that you need a new word so much as, as you say, using more specific words to express what you mean. This has, if nothing else, allowed me to put my finger on what I have always disliked about the word "problematic"- it often seems to be used to mean "I would call out this person for being

It was no Manimal, to be sure.

I wouldn't argue with many of these choices but I will about Six Feet Under, because that was probably the worst episode of the series, where the writers manufactured a crisis for a character, leading in to over a season of trying to manipulate the audience's emotions. The actors did what they could with the material,

She is Donna Troy: Wonder Girl.

Hmm, they did introduce a ludicrous number of DCU characters on that show.

I- I'm not entirely sure that I do-!

*Tom Welling discreetly checks his phone. Still no messages.*

Twenty bucks says one of them is Booster Gold. Assuming they don't consider animation to be TV series, and it seems like they don't.

Caity Lotz, meet the Lazarus Pit. Lazarus Pit, Caity Lotz.