Scott M

I stop them very easily whenever it comes on the radio by switching the station. Life is too short for shit music.

The only good version of My Sharona is the one by the Dead Kennedys in "Pull My Strings."

What about Aliens Vs. Predator? No?

One of my happiest moments as a DJ in college (mid to late 80s) was breaking the 7" single of Bob Seger's Old Time Rock and Roll so I never had to play it again.

Have you got a phone number for her? Just curious.

Persons Unknown was a surprisingly absorbing sort-of-Lost-clone. Would have been interesting to see more of it.

A.A. Dowd has clearly just taken a hit from a crack pipe before writing "Clooney still hasn’t topped his work as a love-struck thief in 1998’s Out Of Sight; the hotel-bar seduction scene alone should have secured him a nomination, if not a win."
Out of Sight is a perfectly good picture and Clooney is good in it, but

Ugh, another article perpetuating the Julie Andrews vs. Audrey Hepburn nonsense. Andrews originated the role on Broadway but was a nobody in Hollywood when the casting decision was made. Hepburn, not as strong a singer to be sure, recorded her tracks only to have a nervous executive order that they be substituted by a

Ah, ok. I see your problem. There most certainly are guiding criteria behind voting for the major Oscar categories - though how meaningful they are is certainly debatable. For example:

They're just skanking to the beat.

Sounds like someone needs to be introduced to Torque.

Hey, 3 Days to Kill was fun.

A is a tough one. Adventure Time is a great show and I guess I would put it over Archer, but over Avatar? I don't think so.

Tried to watch the original of this and couldn't get past a few episodes; it was boring as shit. Maybe I'll try again, Melissa George is very watchable…

Great interview. Loved him in Lost - he brought a real vulnerability to what could have been a moustache-twirling role.

It's 14A here in Canada. Curious.

My wife gave me a Dutch angle once, I still can't walk straight.

Nice article, and I tend to agree, though I guess I would add that any biographical film picks and chooses what aspects of the subject's life it is going to focus on. I got a very strong anti-war vibe from the film, as was Eastwood's intention. The film focuses primarily on Kyle's tours of duty and eventually on his

Note to self: kickstart a remake of Memento starring The Muppets.

Cynicism != skepticism.