Scott M

Get Rogue Galaxy as well.

"Chuck star Zachary Levi" is like a Chinese puzzle box of contradictions and non sequiturs.

Holy shit, Joe Franklin was still alive? Drew Friedman did some great comics about him.

Also: The Body Says No, War on the East Coast, and even their Christmas song, Joseph, Who Understood.

Ah, 2046. Such a great film.

Enjoyed the book a great deal, but the show was a relatively toothless adaptation that would have confused Bourdain fans and made everyone else just shrug and think "another workplace sitcom, who cares?" Too bad it wasn't tried a few years later on HBO or something. Though I guess parts of Treme did manage that, and

I've never been to Iraq, so I couldn't speak to the accuracy of the depiction of Iraq in terms of who was there and what they might have been like. The film shows the four tours of duty that the sniper had, and in at least one of them, the areas he was being deployed to were meant to be evacuated of civilians, which

There's nothing cool about Scarface, or American Sniper, or violence, so I guess morons will latch on to anything. That doesn't mean you shouldn't make a film.

It would be to me, having seen the film on the weekend. Unless you think it is propaganda for getting your limbs blown off.

If their About page is any indication, they are a subsidy of the North Korean government, and as such, hardly a leftist organization.

Point me toward all those leftists defending North Korea. Oh, wait. You can't.

First, go and watch the Airbender and Korra cartoons. THEN watch the live action film. You will never experience greater artistic whiplash.

And that is exactly how Hollywood (and most moviegoers) wants it. They want that Barton Fink feeling. Actors who disappear into a character tend not to be stars, and if they become one (eg., Philip Seymour Hoffman), it's an exception.

When the world adopts Lego as currency, my son will be a billionaire (adjusted for Mega Bloks).

Yes… "meat".

A single tear descends the cheek of the Earl of Sandwich.

Do we have a time slot yet so I can make a note in my calendar to not be near any televisions?

Well, at least you called me sir.

I loved it precisely because it killed off Hicks and Newt. Aliens is such an overrated piece of shit compared to the original.