Scott M

Did you know you can believe any old kind of nonsense you want? The earth is flat, there's a magic man in the sky who listens to your prayers, and whites are inherently superior to blacks. Go ahead, believe it all and then some. But if you plan on bothering others with your nonsense, even on something as

My theories:

Hey, how about you go fuck yourself? Thanks.

Dot com motherfucker

Humph. At least Going The Distance made it to Newfoundland, even if it did completely skip the Maritimes.

What can I say? I heard it calling.

You know what deserves some love? Big Hero 6. Really sweet, fun film.

No, what he was doing was creating a false equivalency between the one time a person of colour called him a name and the hundreds of years of suffering that PoCs have endured at the hands of white America. But thanks for playing.

Yes and yes! Sadly I have never seen the Going Down the Road sequel.. didn't even know there was one until earlier this year. Some Maritimer I am.

Of all the AV Club links I have ever clicked, this was the one I hesitated over the most.

Oh man, I know right? The injustice we white men are constantly enduring!

John Saxon owns.

At that point in her career, Martin was not known for comedy (or indeed, anything else) - I remember seeing her and Eugene Levy in some other early 70s Canadian horror movie that was not a classic at all…

So jealous.

*taps nose, winks*

In that Jean-Claude Van Damme took his ass very seriously, yes. I remember interviews with Ming-Na when she talked about how JCVD was very concerned about the angles and framing of his ass on camera.

True enough. He was (not for the first time) the best thing about a terrible movie.

Shake it off, Madonna.

"Gosh, it's hot."

Sounds like Trent Reznor's getting another scoring job!