Scott M

That's why PCU is the best film.

The worst last role has to go to Raul Julia for Street Fighter.

A revival of Remo WIlliams! *leans forward, interested, smacks forehead on monitor*

I'm guessing that Sony employees are getting some threats that they are taking seriously.

Nice list. There's a few there I hadn't heard of, so I must look for those… Bird People and Coherence particularly.

I believe it was credited to National Lampoon writer Michael O'Donaghue. That's funny about the interview, I never heard that until now.

Weirdly, if you speed up Eno's "Thursday Afternoon" it sounds just like "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go".

Yesssss, Windwaker and Okami. What, no Fear Effect?

3 Days to Kill doesn't belong on this list. It's not a great movie, but worse than Saving Christmas? Give me a fucking break.

I'm thinking Carol will be introduced in one of the Avengers films (or even Agents of SHIELD) so as to avoid the need for an origin film. I assume the story will be some variant on this year's new one from Kelly Sue Deconnick, with more of an emphasis on the stuff with Peter Quill's dad. I have a mental calculation

They should definitely show up in a Captain Marvel film, assuming they put her in space for some of it.

FTP to my Archie site when you get it working, I just updated the episode guide.

Dana from Sports Night == CJ from West Wing == Jordan from Studio 60 == MacKenzie from The Newsroom. Sorkin writes the same set of character types in every TV show. One of them is usually him (most obvious was the recovering cokehead in Studio 60); one of them is usually an ex (again, most obvious being Sarah Paulson

Upvoted for accuracy.

Jesus, I hope not.

It's very funny. The least funny thing of all time is Larry the Cable Guy.

I made a similar joke at some point this year but it was for Marvin Reznor, and he stuck the phone in Metal Machine Music by Lou Reed. I claim partial credit.

Who better to affirm the musical tastes of U2's over-the-hill audience than an over-the-hill music magazine?