Scott M

Those middle seasons of Felicity were totally worth it for the back half of Season 4, with the bonkers, pre-Lost sideways universe.

Sherlock did not "beget" Elementary. One is a contemporary retelling of the Conan Doyle stories and one is a contemporary drama that features a bunch of characters who are kinda sorta like some characters that appeared in Conan Doyle stories - not unlike half of the dramas on American television today.

I thought it was the best big Hollywood film of that year. I was apprehensive going in because I love the original with Danny Kaye, and it has its clunky moments, but overall I enjoyed it a great deal. In a weird way its tone reminded me of a film from the 40s or 50s.

Yes, like 22 Jump Street, but without so many of those pesky laughs.

I must disagree on Dollhouse, which didn't really get going until halfway through its first season and had some pretty fascinating moments afterward. Same for Twin Peaks, for that matter; there is a lull at the beginning of S2 but once Windom Earle gets introduced, it becomes pretty compelling again.

The next time we're in a mosh pit together, watch out.

He is obviously pretty into recording engineering, if the Sound City documentary and his new TV show are any indication. And I think that is fine, it's nice to see someone genuinely excited about something they love. I can think of musicians who are far, FAR more obnoxious about Recording The Old Way Because That's

I'd like to respectfully invite you to shut your whore mouth.

Oh, 2046. *single tear*

Nope, just asking an honest question. Not sure what all the hostility is about - I wasn't suggesting that there should be some kind of erasure - I suppose if I had a point it would be that for some types of disability, we are so used to seeing them in all walks of life that we may not think of them as disabled,

Peter Dinklage is considered a disabled person?

Death Proof is a whole film, but isn't From Dusk Til Dawn only half his?

Must be the midchlorians talking.

I would be happy to keep The Clone Wars cartoon over episodes 1-3, 6, and if I'm honest, most of 2. Not to mention all of the other cartoons, the xmas special, most of the books and comics, toys, etc.

The effort put into the analogy reflects my level of interest in shitty rock(ish) music.

Star Wars: Let's Pretend Everything After Empire Didn't Happen

Oh, that's easy. They're both boring and terrible, adored by bros who worship a certain kind of guitar playing, tailor made for commercials and "classic rock radio." See also: Eagles, Rush, Boston, Fleetwood Mac.

Led Zeppelin are the Dave Matthews Band of the 70s.

As was I. The ghost effects and rotoscoping on The Frighteners are clearly predecessors of the effects in The Return of the King. The CG and practical effects in Heavenly Creatures were also a good calling card.