Scott M

I'm not sure why anyone who knew Jackson's work prior to LOTR would have been surprised by his selection as director. His experience with so many different types of visual effects on a budget and his deep love of the source material seemed like a natural fit.

Definitely worth watching once, especially if you like stuff like Dead-Alive.

"Anyone who can't make money on Sports Night should get out of the money-making business."

I loved the pilot for Studio 60. It was leaked online and I watched it over and over again. As a fan of Sports Night I was excited. Imagine my chagrin once the series got going. :(

It's funny how this has come around - early in his career, thanks to films like Lone Star and Frailty, I primarily thought of him as a serious actor who happened to be good looking. Then he started hitting the tabloid sexy man lists and doing (it seemed ) nothing but romantic comedies and action movies. Now back to

You know that Desmond came back and played a pivotal role in the last two seasons, right..?

There is a pretty good documentary about Salinger on Netflix that implies as much.

Me too. As a tech writer we commonly would indicate a menu path as x > y, meaning y is a submenu of x. So basically, for the first time ever, McDonalds has unwittingly committed truth in advertising.

She also broke young J.D. Salinger's heart by throwing him over for Chaplin while he was in the war. She was a hell of a girl, Oona.

What, you think it's easy to film an entire series where Gordon Ramsay doesn't call someone a donkey and tell them to fuck off out of it? He probably had it created as a condition of continuing to make Hell's Kitchen.

It's probably just because you're dead inside.

The Tommyknockers _was_ awful. The book that jarred me out of reading King after years of devouring everything he did. I jumped back in here and there after he started with the magical realism stuff.

Throw in a Deadpool movie, and my 12-year-old son's life will be complete.

Sounds like you have answered your own question.

"…keeping the show firmly in Batman’s shadow instead of letting it become its own animal."

Still the Zeppo.

Ah, that's what I get for skimming - TRU claims to already have such an aisle. I have never noticed one, but maybe the planogram is different in Canada.

I can't really say that I disagree with this. Toys R Us is generally considered an all-ages retailer, and obviously BrBa is an adult show - and only some adults at that. There are comic shops and assorted specialty shops that can (and will) carry them.

Yup, liked it a lot. At least, as much as you can like something deeply disturbing.