Scott M

I want to apologize to you gentlemen for referring to you as homosexuals.

Makes sense, he's been playing a character called Stan Lee in real life for the last 52 years.

I Am Curious (Legend)

Just finished watching Broadchurch recently and must admit I don't see what the fuss about it is. There is really nothing spectacular about it; just an overlong, clunky murder mystery with some notable English actors. I don't resent the time I spent watching it, but I'm not compelled to watch it again, remake or not.

He beat me for Prom King in high school and every year he calls to rub it in!

Whatever the size of the market, there is a difference between a domestic remake of something that was not in English and something that was. The Slap was originally filmed and broadcast in English. Broadchurch, also English. If the reality is that ratings will be terrible because American xenophobia extends beyond

Again, sure. That xenophobia is pretty much what I was getting at. :) Thank goodness for us Canadians that we can "pass" as American (for TV purposes anyway). :P

Sure. All true. And all examples of TV before the internet. What I don't get is the economics of it NOW, when someone could hypothetically download the original series of a remade show (or stream it on Netflix or Hulu, if it is there) before an American remake ever airs. How does it make more sense for a network to

WTF, America. I can understand remaking a show with something like Homeland, where the original was on Israeli television and I guess it's asking too much of the audience to read subtitles; and I guess I can understand it for "reality" TV or game shows, which are cheap to reproduce. But the in the original series of

Greedily cradled in the palms of Lorelai Gilmore after grudgingly produced by Luke Danes?

He wouldn't even make a better Potsie.

When I first glanced at a link for this story I thought it said _Anson_ Williams. Imagine my relief.

I'm reading Moz' autobiography - and it is amazing - he spends quite a bit of time talking about the impact that the Dolls had on him as a young man in a desperate environment.

That film version of James Joyce's The Dead looks very different from how I remember it.

Was wondering that myself, how many retirements is this now for Miyazaki?

Seems like a perfectly appropriate, succinct reply to a nonsensical question. No one is asking you to invest your life savings in anything.

Agreed, and as far as I'm concerned, Mask of the Phantasm is still the best Batman film released theatrically.

Agreed, but EA's annually updated sports games are the one and only place I can think of where a subscription model might make sense. In other words, no more FIFA/MADDEN/NHL/whatever updated every year, just an ongoing access to sports games updated regularly. You pick the sport and era you want to play in and off you

This publicity photo looks like it's promoting a sitcom where Andrew is their dad.

Song used in a Clone High fan video in 3.. 2…