Bob Ross

I never believed Magnus was Ragnar's son. I always took it as Kwenthrith being crazy, trying to save herself (so Ecbert would not kill her) and trying to give her son some kind of name, when it was probably just some random guy's son and the kid was just a bastard.

good points. Aslaug was not villainous enough to want her to die (like Joffrey on GOT), nor was substantial enough to be upset over her death. She just was. (she also, in my opinion, is not that attractive). The lagertha lesbian thing this year just makes my eyes rolls. Its 900 AD, no one is out and proud. It was

Your comments are so ironic its actually funny. You said Trump-y and I turned it around on you. I also never mentioned Trump, but you take umbrage that I used the same rhetorical device on you. You were the one that wrote "women comedian" and compared her to men. I just said she was not funny. Also, I am not the

exactly. I do not think there is anything wrong with "lonely guy wakes up beautiful women in a sci-fi story" that is objectionable per se, it is making it seem like its a romance that seems like a wrong note. This story seems like it was intended to be darker and maybe had some studio meddling? In the 1970's, this

I agree they tried to save James, but with Cat gone and there being zero interest in the Kara at work angle so far this season after episode 2, his character became irrelevant.

never happen, this "cannot tell superman is Clark and Supergirl is Kara" is just central to this kind of story where the Superhero does not wear a mask. It makes no sense logically but you just have to go with it and suspend disbelief. That is why they backtracked so much on Kat last year figuring it out. If one

yep not only a plot hole, but a bad one that screams laziness, which is a red flag for the show and worse.

That attitude is dangerous and can lead to LESS interracial romances. If the main characters cannot break up with an african american for non-show PC reasons, the odds are shows will just not do them. Many shows live on romance drama and if writers have to permanently lock in place interracial romances it handcuffs

mentioning she is a "woman comedian" and expecting me to have a differing opinion because of it is such a Clinton-y PC thing to say. God forbid we find a woman unfunny.

no one is forcing me, I chose to, and I can complain about their editorializing all I want. Don't read my comments if you do not like them, for fuck's sake.

BCS is a good show because it is unconnected to BB. It is basically a character study and a tragedy of Jimmy McGill and how he became mixed up with drugs and Walter White. The fact they made this story so compelling is what is surprising and makes it so well done. They could have just made it a straight "prequel"

no, I do not need to read moronic politics in reviews or in comments

no, and your comment is so stupid and ridiculous there is no rational response to it.

artsy porn

no, how about you don't and the reviewer stops putting politics in their reviews. You do not get to bully us

Its gets a boost for being the best big network new show. It is pretty funny. "Great" emmy funny? Not yet, but pretty good

Best shows:

wrong. Safe space is defined by liberals as "we want to say our own beliefs and politics, but not be challenged or debated (in "x" space) because our feelings might be hurt." It is not, "we promise not to talk politics here if you also promise that", which is what people like him want, which is very defensible.

This site its just endemic, you have to put up with it to read the reviews, which are generally good. (except for the SNL reviews, where the reviewers left leaning politics are so wrapped up in the review itself its impossible to separate them. If they go after Trump, he loves the episode, if they do not, he hates it)

True, but I did not have to read about it in TV reviews