Bob Ross

Plus it is insulting to their advertisers.

That is true, but most people use cable and they know it. Plus, if people sign up for their crappy streaming, you know AMC, FX and every other channel will be right after them. Everyone is waiting to see if people will pay for this. CBS can do anything they want, but it really is an insult to their viewers. If

Anasi Boys was good

I will not watch the new Star Trek purely because paying for an additional streaming service for a network is such a blatant cash-grab (they already make billions) and insulting it would set a bad precedent to pay for this. They can either put the show on the network we get and already pay for (cable is not free) or

whine some more why don't you. God liberals are classic

Oh, I have no problem believing it gets made..its how does it actually always get a theatrical release rather than going to VOD? I agree, it must make a profit, but I have no idea why anyone would watch this. Maybe 14 years ago I could see some teen boy thinking maybe she was hot and that being enough..but now?

a special case, he was booted from NBC and they moved him. If Kelly was going to be on MSNBC they would have just said so. Lauer and Holt are never on MSNBC

msnbc and nbc are totally separate entities. She will not be on msnbc

well, you are assuming that they still would have made sad, incompetent Ragnar this year even if they did not kill him. They could have easily had him seek revenge in all his glory and still had Lagertha kill Aslaug when he was gone, etc.. They made the choice to kill him and turn to his sons. We will see if it

very logical defense of their choices, and if you were writing a book, this is precisely what you would do..but as a TV series where he was the sole lead? we will see. Watching something for entertainment is not always logical and what you keep watching is even worse. That is why there are not many long running

I admit this was pretty ballsy, but I disagree with you about the rest. A story is centered around characters, and Finnell was the lead. I do not see how you remove him and keep people interested.with less defined characters

well, so much for the speculation Ragnar was playing some long game with denying paternity of Magnus. Since he is the only one who can ever acknowledge his paternity, I believe on this show, that closes the book, Ragnar is not his father. This whole subplot was odd as Ragnar and Kewnthith did have sex (or it was

disagree, it was Ragnar's story, he was in every episode. Your comment would hold up if this was an ensemble cast, but it wasn't. He was the sole lead and every story and relationship revolved around him. Its like saying Sam Malone was not the main character of "Cheers" or "Mad Men" was not solely about Don Draper.

um I do not read that site, and no. Why don't you and this reviewer stop jerking each other off with partisan hack reviews.

I think it would have been interesting if they just cast a regular shlub in the guy role..I bet the studio would have made it a stalking thriller for sure.

did this review make the reviewer and the babies who read it feel better? Now, stick your thumbs in your mouth, put on your PJ's and go to bed.

yes to this. Unfortunately, many young men do see that pursuing a woman does work, and there are many real world examples, not just in the movies. I personally know of a guy who was rejected by a woman 30 times for a date who ended up marrying her and having kids. Tommy Lee married Pamela Anderson by basically

Disagree about "The Lobster", I found it artsy, not at all funny and pretentious. It was a real slog to get through for a very obvious and banal message

They heavily implied they had sex, so this is weird. I can see of no reason he would deny they had sex outside of fumbling for some reason they did not actually give yet. Many people are speculating as to why he would deny it..but without a concrete explanation on the actual show this is just inexplicable to me.

yep, racking my brain I have never heard of a series getting rid THE main character on purpose. "A" main character in a large cast? Yes, plenty. But Ragnar is basically this show. They must have a lot of faith in the acting ability of the rest of the cast and some stories they think will save the show. (which