Bob Ross

meh, I thought it went downhill and was a one season wonder. This season kind of confirmed it was a one trick pony and the weirdness was not a portal to something greater, but was the point

This site needs to hire you. Your take down on liberal faux news/comedy was spot on and the actual article's singing of Samatha Bee's praises was a prime example of what you said. She is a strident, unfunny propagandist and only strident, unfunny liberals stuck in 2008 love her. Stewart always knew his politics had

This whole plot is a mess. I still do not get why everyone around Negan's army would just run instead of staying where they are getting abused. Its not like the entire universe is northern Virginia. It would be more believable if Negan and his army wouldn't be so comic book evil. They set him up to be smart and

it might be for you, but for me this is ragnar's story. The characters are what make me want to watch, so some dry historical drama. I am sure his "sons" were real (it seems like the Vikings used a purported lineage with Ragnar the same way Britain did with King Arthur, they all claimed it) and had "real" adventures.

The plot was pretty silly in every Indiana Jones film. Harrison Ford and Spielberg made the films great

This is Ragnar's story and if they get rid of him, my viewing will probably be over. I don't want to watch a generalized "The further Adventures of Vikings not named Ragnar" series. If Finnel does not want to continue it, they should rap it up and be done with it. The central lead is irreplaceable in a drama

"The amulet gives the Legion of Doom the means to track down the Spear of Destiny, the weapon that penetrated Jesus Christ’s side on the cross, and if the Legion gets a hold of it, it will be able to alter the very fabric of reality."

Founder Part II-The Wrath of the Whopper!

exactly because what they did do was not funny and a mess and so much was obviously cut.

shut up

I am really thinking maybe 20 years is enough. I love their comedy, but they have other things going and do we really need more South Park? Maybe do movies and plays. Really, with the Simpsons and Family Guy lasting forever, I was hoping South Park would be cool enough to voluntarily quit on top and this season

sorry, disagree. You can say they tried to make lemonade with lemons..but they picked a season long story thread that was obviously very contingent on something happening in real life instead of generalized cultural trends like they did last year. (which worked very well) They CHOSE to hinge the entire season on

I don't know, there seems to be something missing this season like the magic is gone. I do not think Ragnar's sons (other then Ivar) are that compelling. Bjorn is basically like Rollo, but Rollo is better at it..LOL. He is just not compelling and only Ivar seems to be complicated enough to take over as a lead.

I love South Park and think those guys are geniuses, but they obviously completely punted this season after Trump won. Everything you said was 100% accurate. The war between the sexes at the school, the member berries and even the Clintons were scrapped. The Cartman stuff didn't make any sense either in the end.

Yes, but he won, so who cares

its irrelevant. All it shows is California likes her a lot.

Trump did not run ads or hold rallies or contest certain states she won big, so you cannot even say she won that as if he did contest it (he didn't have to), the margins would have been way less and he might have won the popular vote. Its just a false argument

that anyone is upset. Its irrational. Its the system and its very fair. Nothing would have changed the outcome and this way is better. Under a popular vote, everyone would demand recounts and it would be a nightmare. If California had 20 or 30 more electors, Clinton would have still lost.

so? That is the system

Its not, its pointless whining from liberals.