Bob Ross

obviously not as its been the same way since the nation was founded. Some states get the bare minimum of three because they have two senators. You have to win states, not people, so the entire argument is assuming there is something unfair about it, and there isn't. Under a popular vote, big states would dominate

its done by census every ten years, they do not correct it every year as people move all the time

its done every ten years when the census occurs, it on the website.

Its changed by census every ten years..again people with no understanding of basic civics.

yawn, he does not own the name

no, they don't, which is what you do not understand. They counted for 55 electoral votes, which she won. Trump won West Viginia by 300,000 votes..are they disenfranchised? It makes no difference if you win by 1 or 10 million. You win by winning states, so you want to use "excess" california and new york votes to

LOL because we aren't nimrod. We are a republic and have an electoral college. Fail at sixth grade civics. Don't tell me, you are currently in college..LOL There is no popular vote, we have 50 separate state races. What you guys want is what is anti-democratic. Why should excess votes in California

yes, keep repeating this and maybe people will forget Hillary got her ass handed to her and democrats got destroyed everywhere. But she "won" a totally irrelevant statistic that no one was playing!

I hate this book. I kind of understand why it is well regarded as a "classic" because there was so few sci fi novels back in the day, but it really sucks and is boring. The characters are paper thin, the terminology is way too dense, and the plot is too simplistic. All three of those things should be the opposite.

yeah, and the only song a teenager knows is "you are my sunshine"..LOL He should have sung Kanye West lyrics, that would have been classic.

no they don't. There is no popular vote, people who think so are low information and intelligence voters. Trump won overwhelmingly

why? Flash is the Flash, Arrow has Arrows. SG didn't need anyone.

I feel they should have just limited the crossover to just Supergirl, the Flash, Arrow and the Legends (meh) themselves. Having all their friends, workers and helpers on made it too stuffed and hard to follow. Its hard enough coming up with enough time for the actual heroes, did we really need to see the rest?

and pretty easy on the eyes too.

yeah, we all now know enough about the nuts and bolts of TV show making that this was either 1. Benoist was not around enough because of schedule or. 2. Her powers are CGI and cost too much

As a sampling of whether to give LOT another chance, this episode didn't do that. I still find it corny and the "legends" seem to be a valley of misfit toys of uncompelling cast-offs from DC's trash can. Plus, as the reviewer said, time travel is the worst, I just usually hate those stories. It usually is a cheap

I am aware of the show, but ensembles are easier to have a gay character on than where a show is centered on one lead. 95%- 99% of your audience is straight, so that choice would be very bold, and maybe critics would love it, but would be way too big a risk for the network. Plus, you have to do this right out of the

I can see why they did the crossover, as if any of the respective audiences for any of these shows become hooked on another its win/win, but I usually just watch Supergirl and can say I am not impressed so far. (Supergirl is far from a perfect show itself)

nah, you are dreaming. Nice stories (maybe) , parents not wanting their kids to watch this..oh yep. This site is very gay-friendly, go to other supergirl sites and you will see people had big problems with Alex and that girl making out and saying if they wanted to watch porn they would just do so.

Agree 100%. Unless there was some evidence they broke them up because of such considerations, this criticism is way off the mark and is actually kind of racially insensitive. It almost implies James should get some kind of special treatment or that they have to keep them together only because of them being