Bob Ross

LOL never happen or if it did, their ratings would tank.

I think they had to retcon so many things from the CBS version that its clunky and they are desperately trying to save James as a character. They dropped the white martian thing way too fast, I agree

well, I am sure they never thought their planet would be destroyed and their tech would be on Earth

I had the opposite reaction. I also think they are making him too nice-guy too soon and the amnesia thing was just a trope to forestall the romance.

yep, I am seeing next season with no James and a "he took a job in Metropolis" thing rather then death.

obviously you have never seen an episode of Star Trek, ever.

you undercut your own argument. You said it was because of race then admit James was just badly written. His character does not work at all and people also do not like him as the Guardian. Sometimes a role or an actor is just bad. If he was killing it and they backed off the relationship for no reason, maybe your

How evil is Kara's dad really? If we developed a supervirus to kill any alien invaders and we were invaded and used it, people would erect a statue for the person who created it. They act like it is somehow wrong to put your own planet and species first above an alien invasion..um, I don't get it.

It seems everyone has "tapped out" on the James stuff and he is just a bad fit. You also nail that this show is weirdly morphing into an assemble show which I am not liking. This show should be all about Melissa Benoist and they are ignoring the Kara part of her, which is one of the best things about last year.

the cadmus stuff is a little better in the villain department, but I agree the show has backslid from last year. Not enough Kara stories (which I thought distinguished this show from other Superhero shows). I am basically watching this only for Benoist now and I am afraid that will not be enough much longer.

the inconsistency in her powers and when they fade has been a constant weakness. They need a "powers bible" to consult. Its a little thing, but good shows nail the little things.

The problem I feel it he is 36 (IRL) and was too old and mature for either a romance with Kara or being a superhero.

Agree, if they were going to keep him and not write him out, they should have beefed up his role at Catco. The Guardian thing is just awful.

I feel this is the most likely outcome now. Either a "big" death or he is just written out next season with some hand waiving that he took a job back in Metropolis and wanted to hang around Superman again.

This was the problem. I think he was miscast or the character was badly conceived. He is too "grown up" and serious for the vibe of this show, which is comic-booky and earnest. (he is 36 IRL which I think explains a lot as well) He was and is way too cool and reserved where everyone else is hamming it up and just

yeah, this was a plot hole. They threw her "in jail" for no reason unless being a white martian itself is illegal. I thought they stopped doing that after Max Lord, but now it came back. The plot was an absolute mess this episode and in a prior post I listed all the ways. This is another one you caught.

yep! we hate you and love Trump!

I am not getting why if there is two timelines, why isn't Logan the MIB? Why does everyone think it is William? Almost all the theories about William also is true for Logan..plus, his personality tracks much more closely to the MIB. They have stated repeatedly the park brings out who you are, and so far William has

waaa, yet we get to rule four years..its awesome!