
Hosted by Chuck Fleck …

They gave Harry glasses and made him serious … I mean, what?

I hate to be that guy, but it was Carla DeVito who sang that thing.

"I'll … be …………. brief …"

Yes both excellent … I fondly remember a lot of good eps from the 1985 Zone.

Or you could have not watched and/or given a shit.

I liked The K of Q … good cast with a nice touch most times. This? Awful. And that laugh track. And those … my God, if I want to see ugly unappealing people I can take a walk outside or consider my own life. KJ was Doug Heffernan. That's it. It should be enough but I guess he likes to still work.

No aliens? No X-Files. The MOWs eps could be good, bad, average, like the mythologies. But aliens … gotta have 'em.

Is it still going on? Sorry … I thought it was awful. But hey. That's me.

Agreed. Were-Man was silly and overstuffed and self-reverential and … is that graveyard scene still going on?

"Dana … this is someone you knew.
"Someone from your past who helped you."
"You used to know me."

I forgot that … in the avalanche of awful that followed!

O My God. This episode was real? I didn't dream it? I liked the opener … thought the much-accclaimed Were-Monster thing was self-indulgent cringeworthy garbage … but this made me nostalgic for the worst Season 9 episode of your choice. Cancer Man said 'decimation of the megafauna'. CC made William B. Davis say

No. NO.
Is the graveyard scene over yet? I'm still looking at my watch.

I liked the opener, but yes on the juxtaposition in this one.

No. Were-Monster. Awful. Execrable. Nearly made me jump ship but I lasted through Season Nine, so no way.

Scully had to be almost hit in the head with a UFO to believe in the original series, but she's all with the God stuff. Irks me on some level. But hey.

Don't remind me. I think that graveyard scene is still going on. That ep was just awful and it's praise is baffling. Give me Roswell. Give me aliens. Give me alien tech taking over the world.

Who said we need to question the existence of aliens? The bad guys using alien tech is the 'new' conspiracy. I also like the stock footage, real and re-created. It anchors things in the real world. You want bad? The self-reverential self-indulgent never-ending were-monster episode. 'Mulder can't use a smart

Of course there are aliens! Where does the idea there are no aliens come from? The bad guys have been using the tech all along!