Rogue Trooper

Ha ha! Old people.

I think you mean on the lam, but I prefer your version where Lucy escapes the law riding an actual lamb.

Soundtrack by Day Man - Flowers and Friendship for Everyone.

I guess my point wasn't implicit. In rushing to the defense of a group you can often cause offense in turn. It doesn't relate to the article's premise directly but more the comments I was reading below.

That video host is overdoing it a little, but I'll give him a free pass for the Spirited Away t-shirt.

Paul Rudd scratches his taint for your enjoyment.

Using a viewing port as small as a phone to read comics seems to me like eating a hamburger with chopsticks.

I've been doing my best to get through Daredevil in 5 minute increments on Netflix but my 9 month old has other ideas. Go get a job baby!

AV Club has become ebaumsworld circa 2000.

I call mine, the Masterbatorium.

PC-ness really is a slippery slope. From the National Museum of the American Indian:

That would be my position as well.

I can imagine why given the Cold War paranoia in the early 80s.

Asterix is still amazing after all these years. Much more on offer than just knowledge of Latin. One of the best series of adventure stories in comic form.

Heck, start with Judgement On Gotham - Dredd, Death, Mean Machine, Batman, & Scarecrow in one story.

Agreed - I am a tad biased. I feel like there is a treasure trove of great stories from the back issues of 2000 A.D. featuring many of the great English artists/writers that have gone on to shape the U.S. industry.

I had the benefit of starting with comics when I was 9 with Mad Magazine & Cracked and then progressing on to 2000 A.D. and Vertigo titles in my teens. That's a lot of time to absorb the medium. McCloud's book is great for someone orienting themselves to comics in general with no previous exposure.

The best stories, IMHO, are the ones from the late-80s/early-90s. Slaine, Zenith, ABC Warriors, Chopper, Button Man, Judge Anderson, Strontium Dogs & Rogue Trooper.

Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art - Scott McCloud. Start there.

Counterpoint: comics aren't rocket science. Even at their best you're not asking someone to read Gravity's Rainbow.