Rogue Trooper

Interesting post. I remember racism being more overt in the 80s when I was growing up than it is now. Like anything, there has been progress in some respects and other things that still need work.


For further context, I happen to be a well-traveled Australian who lives in the U.S. with left leaning sensibilities. My friends back home are the same way, and find racism as distasteful as I do. Australia certainly has unresolved and ugly race issues (for which we should be called out). What I find disheartening is

I agree, except for the bit about people who have traveled widely. I'll listen to the criticism from those folk all day long, but in general, most of the opinions I see are from folk who've never been there (when challenged).

It is funny to me that on a comment section as self-aware, PC, and liberal as the AV Club, it's not widely known that your 4 letter choice of word above to describe my people is analogous to dropping the N bomb in conversation. Even in satire, it's in very bad taste. I know you're like the mayor around these parts but

Quantify this statement for me in a way that demonstrates where you live is not racist by comparison.

Yeah, it's almost as if we have a split identity where one group of people believe intensely about one thing, and another group believe the opposite with just as much vigor. We really are a unique country in that way.

Schnapps on display in an a bar with Irishmen you say? Brave man.

Omar's Oatmeal Stout

Bunk's Bourbon ~ A humble drink for humble guys with big dicks

One of the bottles has MacGowan's last remaining tooth. The winner receives a tour of Temple Bar and a $50 shopping spree at a Spar grocery store.

Plastic paddy.

It's a garden hose.

We're too late!

God ~ You all owe me royalties.
Camus ~ Not from me you don't.

I think you mean upper-middle-class-to-riches-to-probably-would-never-need-to-work-again.

U2's "Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me" was arguably the antecedent song for this article. Came out in 95 and was shiiiiiiiiiit.

Psyence Fiction is still one of my favorite albums from that era. The video clips were amazing as well for the radio cuts.

How was I not aware of this? Thanks!

You're right! That does sound like a Will Sergeant riff.