Rogue Trooper

The studio version of Natural One is far superior to the acoustic version above. The original cut sounds like it could be a missing track from Beck's Odelay album of the same era. And while we're talking about Sebadoh, Skull still owns after all these years.

Evenescence is the dark side of schweppervescence.

And we would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you damn kids!

The Eat-More Corporation in Sedona seems incongruous. Shouldn't it be the Spandex Day Spa or the Rainbow Tights Reiki Workshop?

That's bat country.

Greenman! I would love to see what he could do with that folk myth.

Or some pagan theme.

Nick Cave was my first pick too.

We have a winner. I would buy that in a heartbeat.

Lots of grim panels with terse prose I imagine. Kind of like family dinners at my uncle's house.

Doubly sad. Such a great show.

Matt Weiner should write a WW2 era Mad Men prequel called Roger Sterling: The War Years. I would pay good money to read about Roger Sterling boozing around Europe, bedding French women and gunning down Nazis with a cigarette hanging off his lip.

It really is a shitty system you guys have in this country. I joke with my wife all the time "I already have my quality health care insurance - a plane ride home and an Australian Medicare card." The sad thing is I'm not really joking.

Yeah. I don't really enjoy gay porn either.

Winners don't use drugs, but world champions do.

Surfing for a Piece of the Action

So….he won't be back?

I think the curse may be on Easton Ellis for everything written after Glamorama.

A couple of weeks off the grog and meat pies and Russell will be fine. Not Gladiator fine, but, you know, dad body fine.

Cruel, but fair. Rusty needs a comeback film.