Rogue Trooper

No Sandman? No Watchmen? No The Invisibles?….No Sandman!? C'MON! Also, not even one recommendation from the entire 2000 A.D. universe?

University of Phoenix is an accredited institution. Just listen to what our recent graduates have to say…

Don't stop….beleeeevin'…..

If you're into knittin', you better be sittin' when you see the mittens on the kittens in Smitten!….Rated R.

I'm aware of the Jodorowsky connection but have the opposite feeling - I'm really happy they used it. The CGI did not seem heavy handed to me, especially compared to most Sci-Fi in this day and age. I loved the design of the Engineers and the planet in general, FWIW.

I prefer my spacesuits designed* in Cupertino thanks very much.

Not being trained in the sciences I was looking more closely at the themes of world mythology (my wheelhouse) so it didn't bother me as much.

Not even under some sort-of panspermia scenario?

I never understood all the hate for Prometheus. The art direction in that film alone was worth the price of admission.

Hey, if he was a new cancer treatment we'd call those odds 'promising'.

Game over ever picking-up with that face again Hicks. GAME OVER MAN!

I loves me some Talk Talk. It brings a little tear to my eye that Mark Hollis has retired from making music. His last solo album in the late 90s was beautiful.

My brother wants to know when this tech will be realistic enough that he doesn't need to visit strip clubs anymore.

I was drinking a lot back then…still am.

That should never be annoying. Both are great at what they do and more people should know about The Dirty Three.

At this point I should mention Simon Sellars excellent Extreme Metaphors: Interviews with J.G. Ballard 1967-2008 - http://www.ballardian.com/e…

I remember it was made all the more edgy because it couldn't be shown on TV in certain states (Victoria if I remember correctly) because of the ongoing trial.

The Carnival I went to in Maastricht had Eurovision-esque songs in the public square and lots of clowns. A dance version of this song featured quite frequently - https://www.youtube.com/wat…. Great drunken fun! Horrible music.

Do they meet once a year, get dressed-up, and listen to bad music?…I believe the Dutch already do that in Maastricht and it's called Carnival.

Not to mention the French film from the Three Colours trilogy.