Rogue Trooper

It could be worse. The music section could be run by the editorial staff of The Quietus. Pretentiousness as an art form.

If history is any guide, feel vindicated that of the McCartney/Lennon song discography, the critical stick is used most often on McCartney for his syrupy tracks a la When I'm Sixty-Four et al.

Back when Mickey Rourke had a face. Those were the days.

Terry Gilliam is a guy that swings for the fences. I admire that.

Why do I feel like I just said the wrong thing to my Uncle during family dinner. Yes, sir, of course. Yes…apologies.

Yeah, but Tarkovsky man. Tarkovsky.

Well the real insult here is that Gary Nelson, Director of the original TV series run of Gilligan's Island is not even being discussed. Have you seen his craft in action on Happy Days? Wisconsin has never looked more like a real place.

Frosted tips!

I use public toilets
and I piss on the seats
I walk around in the summertime sayin'
"how about this heat?"

Counterpoint: but was it catchy?

I'll never quite forgive him for the Asshole song. That shit was on rotation during the early 90s every time I turned on the radio.

I always feel like he is trying to channel Hicks/Carlin/Bruce, but it never feels sincere. More aggressive shtick than the smoking heart of darkness he would like to think he is.

Taylor Swift’s hit-packed career compressed into just 60 e̶s̶s̶e̶n̶t̶i̶a̶l̶ minutes


Oh man, claiming international directors as American? Not cool AV Club. Not cool.


Jim Jarmusch. JIM-JAR-MUSCH!…..Jim Jarmusch.

I often do. In fact, almost 100% of the time.

That could be Javier Bardem's obit: Too gynecological to be sexy.

How much did they pay to license Ziggy Stardust's hair?