Rogue Trooper

On the FAQ for the AV Club it states, and I quote:

The San Diego Comic-Con is essentially the Killing Fields of the annual PR circuit for Hollywood stars. Just awful, awful stuff these poor souls have to endure. Sometimes their chilled bottle of Evian is at room temperature by the time they drink it. I could go on but I don't want to upset everyone.

I Heart Huckabees was pretty good in my book too.

If you've never seen DOR going postal on Lily Tomlin, it's well worth the price of admission.

Charles Napier has a plaque at the end of the bar. As does Christopher Lee.

What a fine array of punchable faces.

I have this image of Hollywood b-list character actors drinking at the same bar and waiting for work calls from their agents. Brian Dennehy, Michael Ironside and Chris Elliott all drink there.

Without a doubt, this article was absolutely……*listens for producer's instructions*….AMAZING!

I like this trend of rapper's names being a throw back to the middle-ages. I'm sure his entourage includes Kevin the Accountant, Lil' Ben the Tour Manager, and Jessica the run-away-groupie.

certainly one of the more adventurous “leading men” working today.

I love his stand-up but from that promo clip it feels, and I hate to say this, kinda like Louie-lite.

I don't know why it's only just occurred to me that Eugene Mirman looks like Ray Romano's younger, stoner brother.

Aerosmith just played Salinas here in Monterey Country and the local classic rock station is talking about the gig as if Jesus his 12 apostles descended from heaven on flaming unicorns and just played the most amaaaaaaazing gig eeeeeeeevvvvver.

A thumbs up for the Jaws of Life avatar!

Really? Who is this said Australian dude. I'd like to update the Australian wikipedia page for notable inventions.

I certainly miss The Royal and the five ways neighborhood in general.

Also occurred to me for a nano-second.

Everything looked fine but man…that director…I want to give him a wedgie and push him down a garbage shoot.

How is it that I lived on Bon Accord Ave. - a mere 5 blocks away - and never noticed/heard of/or ate at this place? I moved to the Inner West and my handy midnight pizza place was always Franks Pizza Bar & Restaurant or make the drive to Harberfield to eat at La Disfida. My word they have nice pizza.

Yeah. I sampled NY pizza in a number of locales that were recommended to me (no I don't remember - it was 10 years ago) and it was *fine*. Hardly the best pizza I've ever had.