Rogue Trooper

London's a melting pot but historically speaking, you're describing the east end. You don't have to walk far in any direction to find someone that thinks they're superior because of their family name/where they went to school/etc.

Would you say, you've got a bad feeling about this?

Go to bed Mr Wells…you're drunk.

Men on top.

I have this album. Purchased in 1981 by a very young Rogue Trooper who, at the height of his Star Wars fixation, returned from the mall to be utterly confused by this album.

You're losing all control of your body……goooooood….goood.

Originally he was General Huxtable, but changed to General Hux because no one is actually that far to the dark side.

Let's not get carried away. They were an OK enough band but if we're making comparisons to Britpop, nothing they've ever done holds a candle to Pulp's early-to-mid 90s output.

Veruca Salt is back and wearing literally the same clothes they had on in 1994. TAKE A BATH VERCUA SALT!

I went to a beer geek wedding in France a few years ago where the groom had procured a keg of Cantillon. That was a damn fine wedding.

As a means of reducing drunkenness from rum consumption in the early Australian colony, beer was presented as a safer alternative.

Noel and Morrissey may have the same agent.

Well Bronn hasn't had a chance to get his end away yet so they need to devote at least 5 episodes to his japery and swordsmanship…nudge, nudge…wink, wink….say no more!

I think the insinuation is that because she doesn't speak with a Received Pronunciation accent, she must be uncouth, uneducated, and unwashed. I enjoy not living in London anymore so I don't have to encounter this mentality which is used to reinforce an out dated class system and marginalize those who happened to not

Stunning is a bit…much.

That's really interesting. I've heard stories like yours about all this great, diverse, global content they're generating and all I can think is "this is coming from Vice Media? The makers of the awful Vice street press booklet I used to read on the train? Is this some grand Banksy prank?" I'll need to check it out

As a side tangent - how about a thread listing all the great livestreams from radio shows around the world playing interesting music:

Yeah. Nic Harcourt is great. He's one of those radio DJs like John Peel back in the day, or Richard Kingsmill (Triple J). A pleasant voice, knowledgeable about music, and they know when to shut-up and play the songs.

Spot on!

Morning Becomes Ecelectic was great 10 years ago when I listened regularly. Is it still any good?