Rogue Trooper

There are other kinds?

Then Dr. Cosby waved bidey bye to them that they left behind. And he was hippin' and a hopin' all over the place because he done knew what the jazz was all about. Then them that did the remembering done stopped remembering because Cpt. Ro mades them fall asleep. Whens they woke up, they were sore in strange places and

*Local News Flash*
Bill Cosby was arrested today attempting to drug the entire L.A. basin with, and I quote, "a motherlode of ludes," in the local water supply.

Space - Hilter-a-ah - destroyer of the universe
Space - Hitler-a-ah - he'll enslave everyone of us

Nucky and Eli in Boardwalk Empire.

Three Kings did it for me.

George Clooney and Quentin Tarantino in Dusk To Dawn were….actually I can't remember at all how they were. All I recall is Quentin's overacting and George's unconvincing tattoos

What would entice me to play a sandbox/MMORPG again is a new mechanic for leveling. It seems no matter how much graphics advance, gamers are still saddled with grinding out menial tasks to progress their characters. I can't say I have a better solution but someone who is paid to think about these things should get on

Space Hilter should be a thing.

Hard to believe people walked around with hair like that. Even harder to believe that some still do.

Finally! Now they can put back that statue of Hitler as per Walt's original vision for the space.

"As you can see on this chart here equality for all means….*takes off glasses*…there is no easy way to say this…Chick-fil-A will need to operate during standard business hours on a Sunday…."

A gradual, generation spanning drift towards a more inclusive culture that doesn't marginalize/polarize people based on their beliefs/sexual preferences…in other words - A CATASTROPHE!

Oh man - what an introduction! I had a huge Kev Walker poster on my wall as a kid of the ABC Warriors next to Simon Bisley's Slaine artwork. I loved Button Man too.

Good start, but add more esoteric and meta elements.

Sure, but 2000 AD jumped the shark in general during the mid-to-late 90s.

I'm really interested to see what Heavy Metal could be with Grant's sensibilities let loose.

GM aside, I really miss the run of stories from that era. Chopper, Slaine, ABC Warriors, Rogue Trooper (of course), Judge Anderson's Shamballa story. Each week was an eternity back then waiting for each prog.

You mean the Zenith era early 90s when 2000 AD was at it's best? Or specifically the Dredd stories he wrote? I remember his story where criminals from an off planet prison colony attacked Mega City One being somewhat average, but on the other hand, Zenith is one of my favorite 2000 AD stories.

"Cosby’s lawyers have fought the AP’s court actions on the grounds that the release would embarrass their client"
Well that sounds like a reasonable defense.