Rogue Trooper

This fish is a lot harder to catch. You'll need better bait.

I can concede the convention comment, but as to your other point we can agree to disagree.

Much like an obscure background character in an old comic book who very few people remember and even fewer care about, Grant Morrison has suddenly shown up to reveal that he’s actually very important and everyone needs to listen to him if they want to have any idea what’s going on

Hermes? THAT old hack?

*high five*

Well this little throw away article really turned out to be a bellwether for the AV Club editorial staff.

What a strange person.

Actually no. Not that I recall.

One of the things I've noticed in myself is that I prefer a longer narrative, which lends itself more to TV than film. In terms of film quality I think Dustin is right, sadly.

In that photo Damon looks like he's auditioning for Quadrophenia Part II.

I remember that quote from the NME. :)

Check out the Shane Meadows film This Is England. A nice foray into skinhead culture that shows how some elements of the subculture were co-oped by the far-right and groups like the National Front. What is sad is that no one ever mentions that there were plenty of skins back in the day into two-tone and motown and not

PM Dawn name checked her as an object of love in Set Adrift On Memory Bliss.

Even my young teenage self was incredulous that the events of The Other Level ever took place. Especially looking at Bushwick Bill's ugly mug on the liner notes for the album.

Can I kick it?

And yet, this is the same era that gave us 2 Live Crew's Pop That Coochie, We want Some Pussy, and Me So Horny.

John Paul George? Seriously. This is the character name they went with? Why not just go the whole way and call the character Sgt. Pepper John Paul George Ringo.

You're a real gone kid…since I pistol whipped your ass.