Rogue Trooper

With Billy Connolly as their coked-up roadie!

*looks at photo*
Did Lenny Kravitz have a garage sale?

So….will Brian Jones finally get to be part of the group again for this tour?

Except, less life-like.

"Yesterday…all my troubles seemed so far away…."
*shoots flames*

Indeed. It's the Battleship Potemkin and Götterdämmerung of action films all rolled into a delicious and explosive visual feast.

Indeed. I would prefer a supercut of Rik Mayall (RIP) flipping the Vs with an up turned lip.

I despair for my country. This is goddamn awful.

The main reason I think he's a dick is the way he's messed with funding to the UC system, which happens to be my employer, and in turn made it increasingly difficult for students to afford a UC education.

My pediatrician happens to be an infectious disease specialist and she informed me recently when our son was getting his shots that thimerasol wasn't in the booster she was giving him. I'm in California - are there states where this is different?

*eats popcorn*

Rogue Trooper: "I'm hip."
Harvey Keitel: "Buddy, you don't look hip."

I understand John. You forever get a golden free pass in my book for your How to Video Game segment.

Yes and yes.

Yeah. The answer to that last question…..*slide whistle*

Nothing quite says down-with-the-man like writing songs for Taylor Swift.

Thanks for waking my baby up with your auto-play BULLSHIT AV Club. I'm giving you the middle finger through the internet so hard right now.

I gave you an up-vote because you're an XTC fan.

5. Who was your celebrity crush when you were younger?
JA: Gwen Stefani.
AVC: Have you met her since?
JA: Never met her.
AVC: Someday you probably will.
JA: You never know, you know? Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.