Rogue Trooper

Yes - very clever.

I was referring to the Simpson's episode, which I remember being the early 90s. Of course the trope has been around a lot longer (Barry Mckenzie, Monty Python, etc.).

Yes, because a 25 year old reference to an entire country that reduces us to cork hat wearing rednecks couldn't possibly get tired or over used. Yawn.

My god that Simpson's trope is getting tiresome every time Australia is mentioned in an article.

Well all you need is love and understanding
Ring the bell and let the people know
We're so happy and we're celebratin'
Come on and let your feelings show

Pliny the Elder. There is none finer in my books.

I find the song more reminiscent of James Brown's "Living in America" actually.

Get thee to your nearest purveyor of musical albums and buy Songs in the Key of Life. Or, you know, stream it on YouTube. Either way, essential listening.

At this rate "Have you ever been raped by Bill Cosby?" will be added to the next round of census questions. There are probably known diseases that afflict people less regularly than this prick.

Arya seems to have stumbled in a Sea Org compound run by dualists. Good idea to bury the sword - me thinks she'll need it rather soon.

The word that makes my ears burn is anyways. This is not a word America. Anyway is the word you're looking for.

Iowa City is indeed a charming town. Go Hawkeyes!

A ''B' AV Club? Aaawwww hell naaaw - that was 'A' class all the way through. Best cold open in a while. Morgan is back and this time he's wielding a quarterstaff. Carol is ready to cut a man. Glenn is still hanging on to his humanity. Daryl and that other guy are besties. And Rick is doing what needs to be done. ARE

Looks like Morgan found some meds and some Shaolin Kung Fu training. Good for him.

Ah-ha! Thank you. Now I know who he was reminding me of.

Kooorl was a stone cold killer during season 3…now he's afraid of Little Miss Fiona Apple. Goes to show that teenage love is still more terrifying than flesh eating corpses.

These wolves folk we're about to meet - misunderstood psychopaths?, gene pool clean-up crew?, or a Game of Thrones cosplay weekend gone wrong?

She also struck a certain pose in that garage scene that read "Cpt Grimes - you're clear for landing."

The writers need to stop telegraphing what I'll call the "just one more day to retirement" trope. Take a character, shine a little light in their lives, and then smite them later in the episode. It's way too obvious now and it's detracting from an otherwise enjoyable show.

"So you're here for the long-haul?"
"I'm an African-American male on The Walking Dead…probably not."