Rogue Trooper

Exposition remix in da house!

The sound of middle-aged women living through the regret of their unfulfilled lives.

You leave Uptown Girls the hell alone. Also, Patrick Bateman wants to have a private chat with you about Phil Collins.

You never go full-front mullet. Reference: A Flock of Seagulls.

I took a photo of myself in front of said house a few years ago and even that felt like I was over stepping. Mind you, throwing pizza on roofs seems like an entertaining night out in the duke city. The entertainment options were…limited. Now, if they were throwing one of the huge ass nacho plates they serve there,

No way you'd make it past the off the grid folks deep into the Palo Colorado part of Big Sur. They would drag you into the woods and pick your bones clean.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

I really need to pay more attention. Great recap.


Chekov's cookies.

Carol IS the danger.

Nice tie back. I hadn't remembered that detail.

So…the A and the W symbolism. Any theories from the folks that haven't read the comic?

Rick approached that kiss with all the finesse of a 13 year old at school dance. Amateur hour.

He is a wild stallion….if only I could tame him!

He didn't have the high pitched voice in their 60's era output. They sounded like a totally different band than the Saturday Night Fever era.

The Bee Gees at the end were certainly unexpected (in a good way).

Missed opportunity to put a horse's head in the kid's bed though.


Steve McQueen. It's been downhill for men since then.