Rogue Trooper

Fair point. Case made.

It's in common use in the UK and Australia. Odd choice for a US program I thought.

Let's not give Deanna omnipotent powers just yet. There is no way she knows what her gig was at the prison or the incident in the woods. Sure, she might know she is lying but not enough at this point to be aware of how to best manage her role in the community.

Also, the house they have them in has a yellow door - apparently the color they once painted the doors of criminals and traitors.

The obscure book Michonne is holding when she sits down to be interviewed is called "Crime Without Punishment". A quick look on wikipedia reveals the following:

She was thinking ahead I presume. Trying to look weak in front of the new folks so they don't know how much of a badass she is.

He keeps hackin’ and whackin’ and smackin’
He keeps hackin’ and whackin’ and smackin’
He keeps hackin’ and whackin’ and smackin’
He just hacks, whacks, choppin’ that meat

"We brought dinner."

Some recommendations from the antipodes. Look up "computer games" by Mi-sex for a Gary Numan-ish track . Not sure if it was a hit outside Oz/NZ. For a mix of post-punk and other stuff - The Chills (pink frost!), Straitjacket Fits, Hunters & Collectors (early work), The Moodists, The Triffids, Hoodoo Gurus (early

Yeah that bass line is a monster. Dave Graney deserves much more recognition for his many incarnations over the years.

Gloomy post-punk? Here are my Aussie suggestions from the era that most outside the UK/AUS/NZ may not have heard.

Elvis Costello playing "Radio Sweetheart" and morphing it into Van Morrison's "Jackie Wilson Said" at his live gigs is pretty awesome.

Dammit I was just about to post this.

How did a nitwit like you get so tasteful?

Pearls before swine comes to mind.


Vikings is the business. Great show.

I will check that book out. Thanks for the heads-up! The Hauschka album I really responded to is Salon des amateurs. It gets me through many a work day.

I need to listen to that Kimbra album. The first single was…interesting…didn't make me want to check out the rest of the tracks though.