Rogue Trooper

I guess it's easier to answer that question by asking you what you don't like about it? Looks like you're an MF Doom fan so I'd say that EL-P is less scatological in his flow - which may be your departure point if you like the stream of consciousness approach. I've always liked the choppy and abrasive production

I get that a website like A.V. Club attracts a rock/pop/hip-hop centrist audience. I guess as I've gotten older I hear a new band that people/critics seem to love from Pitchfork/A.V. Club/etc. and it just doesn't move me or seems to be a watered down version of [insert band].

I just recommended Hauschka. Great album(s).

My word. A cursory look through the list indicates a fairly Anglo/American listening pallet. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing, but I'd be interested to read about people's faves from other countries.

Listening to Fennesz right now as I scrolled through your comments. :)

Early 40s? That's generous. Late 60s perhaps.

The self-titled album by Jungle has not been off my stereo for half the year. I'm glad Flying Lotus made the list.

Keith was once asked the secret of his longevity. His reply: "Don't eat cheese."

Speaking of the Faces, their live version from the 70s of Macca's Maybe I'm Amazed is beautiful and raw. Rod's voice in that era with that keyboard tone is magic. https://www.youtube.com/wat… (Rod comes in at the 1:00 mark).

To those underwhelmed by the teaser I have a counter point. I actually love that there are sequences with only a couple of moving objects. The idea that every scene needs to be full of eye candy with things moving in all directions has no appeal to me at all. The original trilogy had these sequences but they were used

I'm Brian and so is my wife!

Actually, The Knack are the only band that matters…no…wait…can I choose again?

I still feel that Star Wars: Electric Boogaloo is a missed opportunity. Featuring a young Han Solo and Lando Calrissian smuggling contraband and collecting STDs across the galaxy.

The existence of Fiona Apple's first album written at age 19 casts a long shadow on Swift's efforts.

While all of the shoegazer fans are gathered in one article - favourite recent bands? (meaning, the last 5 years or so). I'd say Cheetahs and Gauntlet Hair put out some solid albums. I think I may have been the only one to find the MBV comeback a little ho-hum though.

Mmmm. Both of them getting in the front of that van was really not the best idea.

Jan Tschichold feels a disturbance in the….wait for it….FONT!

Typography jokes at long last.

Star Wars VII: Lens Flare Fiesta
Star Wars VII: Dutch Angles Ahoy!
Star Wars VII: Ewoks Say the Darndest Things

Sounds like you're describing an afternoon at Philip K. Dick's house circa 1974.