Jett Rink

I really enjoy the Susan character. Wish it was her that was going to be the next President over Mellie, while Mellie was VP.

How is Jake a better man when he ruins the Olivia character? Don't love everything Fitz does on the show, but at least I don't find myself cringing at his scenes with Olivia like I do Jake's.

Don't have a problem with Olivia killing Andrew, but what I deeply hate is, the show continuing to not get Olivia the help she desperately needs. How can I take anything she does seriously when we know she is not all there mentally? Don't understand why Shonda is taking so long to finally fix Olivia.

Really? That's sad.

Having such a bad beginning to 5B was such a bad call on Shonda's part.

This second half is starting to get better, so i'm surprised by the lack of comments.

I didn't think too much about them not sitting side by side like they use to because Scott who has had more scenes with Kerry this second half than Tony, was sitting even further away from her than Tony was. Tony was still at least in the middle of the panel.

Have her sleep with Fitz.

It's hard to not roll your eyes whenever you come across these critics that call out Jake now. For so long, this guy has been terrible and wasn't needed on this show, but most critics overrated and fangirled over this character and now that he's finally gotten more airtime, his character has been damaging to both the

At this point, it's just absurd to make the complaints you're seeing about the show and SR about the shippers.

This is something else I remember seeing some
fans talk about. I remember some questioning if Shonda was purposely taming Olitz sex scenes and I thought then why would she? But now after seeing all that we're seeing with Olake, you can't help but think there was some truth to this theory because it is so over the top

I think the reason Jake gets away with being violent with Olivia is because many were blinded by their hate for Fitz. Plus the actor has all this goodwill from Felicity. He's seen as good looking. And IMO, the most obvious reason is because he's doing this crap to "the whore that deserves to be put in her place". You

I can't get over how spot on Shonda detractors ended up being. I always thought they were just being paranoid with all this talk about her playing favorites. But what we're seeing with Shonda and Scott Foley is just super bizarre. Not even the Joe Morton & Bellamy Young favoritism is as bizarre as Shonda obvious love

What annoys me most is, even after this arc ends, Rowan & Jake, who both should have been long gone from this show, will still be back next season, so what is the point in watching their storyline play out? I just hate how the storylines are most of the time pointless on this show.

But at least on the show, Fitz's douchiness isn't glossed over. We usually know what he says or does is an asshole move. While with Jake, alot of his douchey actions are shaped as Jake "keeping it real" or it won't be brought up again.

This is another thing that isn't held against Jake, not that it should, but can you imagine what would be said if it was Fitz that wanted to still be around Olivia if instead of Olivia being in love with Fitz, she was in love with Jake? We would forever read what a chump Fitz is or how pathetic he is. But with Jake,

Good episode. I'd give it at B+.

I find it crazy how Jake's douchiness and fucked up ways is continuously glossed over on the show and by many. He can practically do or say anything that's bad or crazy and it won't be brought up again or if it is, it'll be excused away. And seeing this is why it's hard to take Fitz hate seriously. And seeing this

It's not saying much, but this episode for me was much better than last weeks' episode. I'm loving this "Olivia might be her father's daughter" stuff. And i'm enjoying seeing Cyrus being jealous of Olivia's influence over Fitz. And the case of the week was actually interesting even though it was a ripoff of the Cosby

What a horrid episode. Sucks seeing the show be so bad after 5 straight good episodes. But we all should have known this upswing wouldn't last.