Jett Rink

I don't see her remaining this way either because the show has been sooooo heavy handed with the good vs. evil, the light vs. the dark stuff on this show. So it's obvious everything is going to come to a head in this final season.

I don't get the dumping on their relationship either because it's their relationship that helps balance the Olivia character. Without it, she's back to just being this detached unfeeling robot.

Has anyone seen the film Mahogany? Isn't what we're watching with Olivia and her obsession with power a dead on imitation of that film's storyline?

But he never wanted to be President in the first place, so him not being all in isn't saying much. And it's because of the fact Fitz isn't afraid of him is why Rowan hates him, so Fitz can't be that much of a wuss.

No offense, but posts like these always make me cringe. It's one thing to say you don't care for Fitz, but to then turn around prop up Jake is just so WTF? and hilariously delusional. Who was going into this season saying "Oh yeah, can we please get more of what we saw from Olake in 5B?

I feel the exact same way. It's very weird.


Oh, ok..

This is why Olitz being together is better for the show (if they aren't going to bring on someone else or allow Olivia to be single) because they at least bring out a reaction out of folks. While Jake and Olake doesn't do this. For whatever reason alot of folks just don't react or care about the things Jake does. Can

I'm rooting for Cyrus to be President and Mellie be his Vice President. I just think them together could be alot of fun and it's not something viewers can really hate on too hard. While we all know what would be said if we get Mellie and Jake in office.

What do you mean?

Seeing stuff like this is what makes Fitz hate seem goofy instead of legit. To still gush over Jake and shit on Fitz after 5B? Makes no sense.

Glad they went with Marcus because it was something different and he doesn't have the negative baggage that Jake has.

I thought it was a fun episode. Loved all the different interactions. Going by what we saw at the end of the episode you hope this daydream is going help in getting Olivia to start making the right decisions professionally and hopefully personally from here on out.

Too much Hakeem & Jamal. Needed more Cookie and Lucious.

I overall liked it but hated seeing Rick and Michonne getting duped by the garbage people and hated that Michonne was wasted for so long on a nobody. It just didn't look right seeing this non-entity kicking Michonne's ass.

I like Abby so I thought it was an alright episode. But one thing is clear and it's always been obvious, but it's been painfully obvious this season, but this is not a true ensemble show. This show desperately needs it's lead character.

Loved that they allowed Marion to get away. I was really feeling sorry for her as she realized Sam was scum. All I could think was "Get out of there!" when she went back to the motel and was so glad that she did with Norman pushing her out the door.

I hate how they have Fitz as this show's bitch. It just makes no sense coming from these witches that go at him. And I still don't get Olivia's obsession with power. It's not like Fitz didn't allow her to do anything she wanted while at the White House. And i'm trying to figure out what exactly is enticing about

How this season ends will make or break the upcoming season, I think. Because it already has so much against it with this season being shitty and the show probably not coming back until early next year, which means some would have moved on to watching something else. So this show can't afford to have a shitty season