Jett Rink

Really enjoyed this premiere. It featured all the characters I enjoy the most, while barely featuring those I don't care for. And the ending was great. It gives me hope that we're in store for some great drama this season.

I mostly enjoyed the finale. I think it set up some potentially good storylines for next season. And thank god, the writers finally decided to move along the Fitz & Olivia storyline. People can hate, but them being in each other's orbit is good for the show. Love them or hate them, there's alot of drama with them

This episode was alright. Felt like filler, but I did like how they are slowly mending the Olitz relationship. I hope it's leading to the writers finally doing the Presidential Divorce storyline. Looking at the falling ratings, it's seems to be the obvious card left to play by the writers. This back & forth stuff plus

It just never made any sense as to why the writers went so out of their way to work his character into the show. His character adds absolutely nothing to the show. Instead all he became was a distraction. We already had it where Olivia was weak at times when it came to Fitz, so what sense does it make to add on

Easily the best episode in a very very long time. For once I enjoyed watching every single storyline.