
I have a love/hate relationship with the show. I hate the kids, and I hate Sam's parenting. The oldest one, that quavering voice drives me bonkers. Frankie's a brat. And the way Sam carries on about Duke, a nine-year-old, being a baby and so small—is this a thing parents do with their youngest child? And this

Yep. Supposedly they're talking to investigators, who in reality would be like "WTF are you talking about? Did you see Perry get killed or not?"

Phil's house: In the living and dining room, you couldn't set another thing on any of the surfaces, dining table included. Then in that weird room where the printer was, there were all those curio cabinets that were either empty or just contained a single item or two.

One chicken isn't going to feed seven people.

Ben in the first episode of this season: "Ma'am, you can't run for president.You don't have the party's support, you don't have the donors' support."

I know what you mean. I have loved this show in the past; this season, the only episode I enjoyed was "Georgia" (Minna and Selina episodes are always good.) Selina was so monstrously awful in "Judge" that it was hard to watch.

Just today I read a story in the Washington Post whose headline says season two is seriously undercooked; I thought i was the only person who thought that (a handful of the 13 commenters on that story agreed with the writer).

Agree. They've turned Mike into an idiot the past two seasons; a communications director who uses "prescription" when meaning "subscription." Big yucks.

Apart from the Georgia episode, I am not enjoying this season. Whereas in the past, Selina was tactless and selfish (add neglectful to Catherine), now she is just flat-out nasty, hateful, and mean all the time—to Gary, to Catherine, to Mike.

This is the opposite, I suppose. Nicholas Hoult (About a Boy) was sort of chubby (maybe just more round-faced) and not an expecially cute kid, and OMG, did you see A Single Man? Hubba hubba.

A communications director who says prescription instead of subscription.

I commented on this in another episode's recap, but it strikes me as a little odd that Selina can't make even basic conversation with regular people during campaigns (or otherwise), but she can spout off these incredibly long, insanely complex profanity-laced insults (see the one to Stephanie Meir in "Congressional

I was wondering why, after Jane herself said in the previous episode "this is going to be my last day as a regular part of the "CBS Morning Show" family," Dan said in this episode that Jane McCabe is on special assignment? When someone is gone, a là Ann Curry, even if there's a deal to do specials, they're gone and

It was distracting for me as well. The show is about the American political system, focusing on the executive branch, and I believe, up until that point, had pretty much gotten things right. Regrettably, I was unable to take the advice of people who said, "Relax! It's just a TV show," when Veep had been presented so

My big laugh this episode: "So I have got a White House book that is hotter than Nancy Reagan's Guide to Cocksucking."

There's an interview and a video clip of JLD and Brad Hall's son, Charlie, on the Chicago Tribune's site; he's a walk-on on Northwestern's basketball team. When I watched it, I thought, gosh, he has her facial expressions. He's very animated (and watch his eyebrows, too). One of his teammates says in the article,

This is the only episode, other than the pilot, that I haven't cared for. Everything about Arnold annoys me.

In season one, episode two, when the parents show up, I thought the father was OK, but I remember thinking about the mother, "oh, man, that actress is quite bad." Then I read that they were his parents and felt bad. (Although I can't imagine that she's enjoying it because she really does seem so uncomfortable…maybe

Where Big Head at?

I bet you think you're some big swinging dick, now that you're getting invited to all these fancy VC soirees.