
I don't think he's especially good-looking, or at least as good-looking and hunky as everyone on the show, including Bryce himself, thinks (taste in these things is subjective, I know), but your comment made me LOL.

Yeah, I wondered last week when the woman at Stanford was going over his grades how he ever got a job at Hooli in the first place:

Remember, too, that this is a show in which Jim Nabors was the guest star for every season premiere.

The Minna line of the night happened straightaway for me:

From episode 1 (talking head): "It's possible that had she not fallen, nobody would've gotten killed."

Sarah Baker, the blonde actress who plays Thea, one of the Monterrey talking heads, and Ivy George, the little girl who plays Amabella, were mother and daughter on the "Duke's Chorus" episode of Pamela Adlon's "Better Things," the one where they played Mormons.

It's not a big role, but she is wonderful in Lion; one scene in particular stands out. Very moving and emotional performance. She deserved the Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress. (And, IMHO, she should have won. Meaning Viola Davis would have been nominated in the category where her performance belonged,

I don't really remember; I didn't watch it faithfully and not for very long. I sound like a crank, but another thing that drove me bonkers was the Eva Longoria character having an affair with the Jesse Metcalfe high school student character; I used to think, if that were a man her age sleeping with a high school–age

Wanna hear my impression of Anne Baxter? "Moooses, Moooses."

She mentions Christopher once, in the third episode when she goes to Bette's dressing room to tell her she caught BD corrupting her twins (by smoking). Davis asks her how she gets her twins to behave so well (well, "like trained pomeranians," is how she put it).
Crawford says she's always been a strict disciplinarian,

"Everyone getting into the pool thing" reminded me: I never really watched Desperate Housewives; when it started getting so much attention, I gave it a shot. And the one I watched had Felicity Huffman wading into a swimming pool (at the home where a wake was being held, no less) to get her two kids who'd jumped in.

"I read this character as someone who entered the ministry for all of the wrong reasons,"

Hmm, I started out like the show, with the "Parents" episode being my favorite, although the next one with Sarah Silverman was good too. The one where he got fired left me cold, and the finale even more so. I grew up on that horseshit, a religion like that, and it just made me uncomfortable, so maybe that's on me.

Good point. In that Joan Rivers documentary, there's a scene of her going through her day planner panicked. She's going, "Look at all these blank pages! Kathy Griffin and Sarah Silverman are getting all the work!" And she was 77 years old!

I don't know, I didn't think she was mean. She doesn't love him anymore, and they're getting a divorce, yet she agrees to do this thing he wants. So then she sits there and witnesses all this stuff that's driven her nuts for…how long are they supposed to have been married, 10 years? Then the mom drops the, "You know

I know it seems I keep agreeing with you, but traumatized after seeing Frances, oh, lord, me too. I saw it at a matinee when it came out at a theater in a very busy, popular mall. So it was still daylight when the movie was over, and I come out of the theater into this mall, and all I wanted to do was put my head

If you watch the YouTube clip of Bette Davis singing that Baby Jane song, she looks at least 20 years older than Susan Sarandon does now, and Sarandon is almost 20 years older than Davis was when that was filmed. I'm thinking the chain smoking didn't help (Davis).

I agree with everything you wrote. I have surprised myself by being Team Joan. I've seen maybe three Joan Crawford movies in my life, Mildred Pierce, The Women, and WEHBJ. I remember the Lily Tomlin as Ernestine, the telephone operator album, where Ernestine called up Joan Crawford because she'd lost 15¢ in a Pepsi

Or, as Joan Rivers used to say in her stand-up act, "Maybe they were just bad kids."

I have surprised myself by being Team Joan too. I think I've seen a sum total of three of her movies, so it wasn't like I was a fan before.