
I saw a comment on Twitter that essentially said Sandy Hook was the end of the gun control debate in America. The moment we were OK with children being murdered, it was over. That should have been our Port Arthur massacre where people said "Enough, guns are obviously not worth it" but instead we hemmed and hawed and

I still watch this one annually. Does anyone else also remember http://en.wikipedia.org/wik… where they go camping and end up tangling with an escaped panther? Been a long time since I've seen it but I remember it being similarly frightening.

This would never have happened on Qwikster. Just saying.

Setlist from "Shooting Star"

I dig this one. That Alex Chilton impression on "Symphony" is pretty spot on. I initially avoided him because I thought his music was too cutesy, but it's a bit rougher around the edges than I expected.

*edit: My "Ugh" comment was meant to be in reply to someone who was being needlessly derisive but I can't remember who nor can I remove this comment. I would like to go on record as approving of this article and drinking songs and also music in general.

I like the one where the guy asks whether "bigger or smaller" is better, and the kids say "bigger." (Unless we're talking about a tumor.)

One of my all-time favorite subtle jokes is when Brad Goodman draws the circle to represent McClure ("My God, it's like you've known me my whole life!") Then as the time lapse goes and the infomercial drags on, they get to the end and absolutely nothing else has been drawn on the board since the circle. I laugh every

One of my all-time favorite subtle jokes is when Brad Goodman draws the circle to represent McClure ("My God, it's like you've known me my whole life!") Then as the time lapse goes and the infomercial drags on, they get to the end and absolutely nothing else has been drawn on the board since the circle. I laugh every

Wooden Wand's new album is out today and is quite enjoyable. Blood Oaths Of The New Blues, streaming here: http://www.spin.com/article… I'm not familiar with a lot of his work but this was pretty solid. Very moody.

Great article. I love thinking about this kind of stuff. I was just spending a little time with Neil Young's 80s stuff yesterday, which is so weirdly fascinating and frustrating it feels like a cheat to just pretend he didn't record anything between 1979 and 1990. Ultimately I like hearing something new from an

Great article. I love thinking about this kind of stuff. I was just spending a little time with Neil Young's 80s stuff yesterday, which is so weirdly fascinating and frustrating it feels like a cheat to just pretend he didn't record anything between 1979 and 1990. Ultimately I like hearing something new from an

Great article. I love thinking about this kind of stuff. I was just spending a little time with Neil Young's 80s stuff yesterday, which is so weirdly fascinating and frustrating it feels like a cheat to just pretend he didn't record anything between 1979 and 1990. Ultimately I like hearing something new from an

Fields of crops can be plenty scary, but I'm confident we'll get some gory Dust Bowl stuff in a couple of decades.

Fields of crops can be plenty scary, but I'm confident we'll get some gory Dust Bowl stuff in a couple of decades.

Grasshopperus must have finally caught up with him. :(

Grasshopperus must have finally caught up with him. :(

"Romney is a slut."

"Romney is a slut."

Ell Oh Goddamn Ell.