
Ell Oh Goddamn Ell.

I wish every video in this article was "Sussudio."

I wish every video in this article was "Sussudio."

I thought the whole thing was a Star Wars homage. The quote, the scene at Massive Dynamic with the Observer and the soldiers that references the opening scene of New Hope, the Observers' Jedi mind tricks, someone loses a hand… Plus I thought of Etta and Simon as our "droids"— tangential characters who serve as our

I think the brown hair dye was a bad move. It just looks like a hairpiece now. He was rocking the salt-and-pepper, looking presidential.

Just got around to watching this, and I can't tell if it's awesome or ridiculous that she brought an accordion on this goddamn mission. Then again, I wonder the same thing about everything on this show.

Been meaning to check out this band for a while. Is this a good enough place to start, maybe work backward? Or is there a better starting point?

That might be overselling it a bit, but of course you have a point. I was just mentioning its lack of Spotifyness as of today, which I found disappointing this morning when I went to check it out. There was also a significant wait for Let's Go Eat the Factory. I wonder if it's the pricing structure that's driving

Was looking forward to checking this out today on Spotify, only to find it's not there. Why am I giving them money again?

That's good to know. For me it was an off-putting first episode, but it's not like there's anything else on in that time slot, so I'll see how it goes. The cast seemed great otherwise, and I'll root for Will Arnett (not Ed Helms, as I foolishly typed in my first comment, which isn't even close) until I die.

This is the first episode I've seen, and I thought the couples arguing throughout was kind of a bummer (particularly Helms/Applegate, who just seemed so damned miserable). I'll check in on another one— maybe that was just the theme of this episode— but if I wanted to see a bickering husband and wife I'd spend more

Loved this as a kid. My dad and I loved the music, and he was an "outdoors" guy who loved the set pieces and backdrops. Was really happy to see this streaming on Netflix (along with The Christmas Toy), and I got to introduce my wife to it for the first time. Good stuff.

I don't watch this show regularly, but I caught this one and the "Thunderstruck" ride to Tommy's house had me in stitches. The spit hitting the window, and the glance to see if Jimmy saw it; going back to roll the other window back up; stopping at the yard sale to buy jackets. Stitches, I tells ya.

I like this show and made it a point to check in on the premiere but I wasn't impressed. It just wasn't goofy enough, and I refuse to believe James Roday's character would get a Star Wars quote wrong or do a believable British accent (he'd have learned it from Monty Python, not Phineas and Ferb). Oh well, I hear

I don't think that the last 3 seasons "didn't exist" (like we're getting the gritty reboot of the show). Fringe has always given us glimpses of alternate version of itself, like the season 3 finale and all of the alternate universe stuff where our favorite characters are oh-so-slightly different. This is just one

The combination of weird racist trolling and spamming make this the most deliriously abstract AV comment thread in a long time.

Also the ones with musical numbers.

2003 is actually the first year I was too burned out on new music to care, so I kind of took that year off. Didn't really come back until 2006. It was the same thing— I had Audiogalaxy in college in 2000 and I went a little overboard. (I got the prestigious honor of being the campus' #1 bandwidth hog!) Still heard Hey

Marginally worse than Tron.

I find that I always like about half of TI's albums anyway. Find the tracks I like, add them to my ever-growing TI playlist, and call it a day. Sounds like this will be no different.