
He didn't know Bran could see thru him until after the gift was made.

Possible. Or Sansa is the instrument of justice. That would be fitting. In so many ways….


That was not mere showboating. They did that to be able to shoot down and over the Lannister shields. That was made pretty clear.

Yes, imagine Dany, Sansa, Arya, and Missandei together next season. The stories they have to tell…. preferably while using the stuffed corpse of Littlefinger the pimp as a footstool.

Your best friend implies she finally consummated a long attachment to a castrated guy…. The actresses played it perfectly. It also shows yet again that Dany is a truly loving person. Missandei's romantic doings MATTER to her.

Pedro got his start on Buffy. Season 4.

I think Arya's question was political rather than familial. For all she knows, Jon might have taken the Stark name and married.

Really surprised by how many people, especially women dislike Dany…. She has been consistently the best ruler. She has shown mercy. She has won the trust of everyone she has encountered who was even halfway decent to begin with. Good people love her. Tyrion adores her. Varys respects her. Mormont loves her.

Hate watching???? Jeepers! Grab a life, why don't you?!?

Sorry if anyone else has posted this, but the set up here is obvious. Danny captures Jaime. Tyron and Jon convince Jaime that Dany is The only hope against the Night King, and that he must convince Cersei to give up the throne. She refuses and plans some awful act of retribution that would involve genocide. Jaime

Why would Danny do that???? She is the most emotionally evolved person on the darn show other than Varys. She forgives. She has a soft heart for the weak. She hates the corruption of her world and that makes her eager to right its wrongs. She is not perfect, but she has never done a single thing to suggest that

You are right about that. Oh no. Arya takes Cat's face. Eewww…


What? She freed slaves. She refused to allow the exploitation of captured peoples. Her most trusted friends are former slaves.

No. She wants to be queen so she can break the wheel. The great houses must be destroyed. Given the history we have seen. She is right.

Hollow shell????? She is a vicious mass murdering monster!!!!! And the oft cited love for her children is a farce. She raised one monster and killed the other two thru her own evil actions. Come on show runners stop trying to to humanize her.


Perhaps he knows the outcome and knows that people he loves will need to be sacrificed to get to the right one. Paul stopped being human too. See Dune.

Cersei is the most despicable person in the entire stroty. She kill 1000s just to avoid the embarrassment of a trial. And I am always very disturbed by the affection for Jaime. He tried to murder a 10 year old boy….. come on! Moral compass people!