
Sorry if anyone else has posted this, but the set up here is obvious. Danny captures Jaime. Tyron and Jon convince Jaime that Dany is The only hope against the Night King, and that he must convince Cersei to give up the throne. She refuses and plans some awful act of retribution that would involve genocide. Jaime

Arya uses the dagger to kill the night king. It is known.

He and Camelot.

Yeah, but you didn't see the Director's cut where he introduced a scene involving the original NotLD, who plays a preacher blaming the Zombie apocalypse on gays and stuff. Disgusting. Especially, given the political message of the original movie. And the Gay character causes the disaster during the escape.

Greatest comment in the history of the internet! OMG! Lol!!!!!


Very late to the party. Here's what's wrong:

I think the fact that she is a man in his dream is not a good sign. Come on!

Lol! Just the opposite. And did you miss the fact that they had sex for the first time in series history AFTER the baby was born…. In fact, their initial breakup is featured in the first episode.

Barry kills Woodhouse. Barry is Archer's alter ego. Your instincts were perfect.

Barry is Archer's alter ego. He is Archer season 1 five years later without having the benefit of Lana and his mother reining him in….


Or that his life is dangerous????

For real. No offense but I assume you could never watch bugs bunny or Daffy Duck torment dogs?


It. Is. A. Dream. Remember?

I think you you are confusing the text and the subtext. Anya is not ignorant of death or even of its consequences. She is reacting out of fear at her own mortality. Anya is essentially a child. She traded her humanity as a disaffected teenager. That's why her reaction is that of a child and no different than

That's from Buffy too. Anya or Willow mocking Anya.

Parent? Of what?

Or you could stop wasting your life commenting on a show you hate. Finally(!) have sex that doesn't involve payment (yes, micropenises suck - I imagine - but so does cerebral palsy, get over it). Watch Storyteller as many times as it takes for the message to sink in. And get a life. Now I know why people beat up