
Did you watch Hidden Figures? Maybe there are more successful black scientists than you know.

Not always. Sarah Michelle Gellar and Charisma Carpenter circa late season two/early season 3. Strong? Yes. "Simple" physical attributes? Ummm. No.

Huh? Wars are started almost entirely by men. Men murder far more frequently Men rape far more frequently. They assault far more frequently. I could go on. I don't care for the Troi review either - the review focuses on the writers own quirks and bete noirs and questionable opinions more than it does the ep.

Archer = golden age.

Buffy. Greater than all of them. Just ask the creators of both the wire and bb.

I think the point is that Walt is self-destructive by nature. Wanna know how he screwed up his life as a chemist. Look at how he screws up everything now. He is basically a bad person. A failed human. And his failures are heightened by the fact that he is outwardly so normal and educated.

Just got your response to another of my extremely critical posts. Sorry for the confusion, but it seemed as if you were advocating or at least excusing meth use. I have seen to much devastation to not get totally crazy seeing that on a board that any teenager can frequent. Again, apologies. As you will see, I was

Because as hard as he tries to be something else, he is nothing more than a drug dealer. And that is the point.

Bullshit! Jesse is a fool. He thinks by taking a stand he can redeem his soul. But he can't. There is no redemption to be found in this monstrous business. Don't you see that Jesse is rationalizing???? I won't sell to a mother with kids?!?!?! Every person he sells to has innocent people who will be harmed as

Actually, the shot after the fall makes it clear that he is less than 10 feet off the ground when he falls. The platform is pretty low.

Let me guess. You have a beer belly and a very very small penis. Now, what was your point again?

Wow! You must be a real man. You have cap locks on your keyboard.

Nice. But I disagree that Walt did "it" for his family. That is just the lie he told himself. Walt fell because he was a weak, self-pitying loser, who was sufficient socialized and smart enough to be a quiet failure. But he was a shitty teacher, a mediocre husband - especially considering the advantages he enjoyed

Dude - Stop being an apologist for crystal meth. It is a monstrous poison. It is killing whole communities. Walt IS a cancer now. And speaking from the future, the show's creator has explicitly stated as such.

Dude - way too much information about your life. If you know so much about drugs, you should become a drug counselor. Do some good in this world. Meth is a monstrous poison that destroys lives and communities like wildfire. Or do you completely miss the point of the show. Moral relativism is Walt's original sin.

The point of the crash is that the evil we do has widespread consequences. It is the biggest signal so far in the show that any sympathy for Walt, any rooting interest that we have for him, all the illicit thrills caused by his narrow escapes, indict US as viewers.

Walt is a monster. As layer after layer is peeled away, we see that he was never more than a self-absorbed failure with a hideous unfounded sense of entitlement. His failures are of his own making. He destroyed his chance for business success. He was a piss poor teacher who resented his job and apparently cared

Buffy/Angel-syndrome. I think the show is inevitably headed in that direction. Dr. Who tried the approach - first with Freema Argyman but that failed due the debilitating mawkish Rose (let's give Dr. Who a Buffy season two twist???) hangover effect. Too bad the writing and the producer's overly sentimental

I am watching on netflix but I haven't seen the next season yet. Isn't it obvious that Holmes jumped onto the back of the truck while john was distracted and unconscious. Holmes had not only to throw off immediate threat bit also to free himself to go after the network that would otherwise have killed his friends

I am watching on netflix but I haven't seen the next season yet. Isn't it obvious that Holmes jumped onto the back of the truck while john was distracted and unconscious. Holmes had not only to throw off immediate threat bit also to free himself to go after the network that would otherwise have killed his friends