
Not knowing Italian. Ha!

Plus bullies. And constant callbacks to previous seasons. Evil actress. Sex tape disks. Falling down a hill and surviving (vice). Secret passageways and rooms. Hiding in car trunk. Assassination of Italian prime minister.

Am I the only person who thinks that the first scene of next season will be Lana shaking awake a passed out Archer, who after eating a rich dinner and getting drunk has fallen asleep and dreamt the entirety of season 7?

Plus Buffy season 5 and 6. Robots and resurrection. Betcha!!!

I cannot believe that no one here has figured out the game Reed is playing. One of the silliest things in TV in the last 20 years was the GOT cliffhanger with Jon Snow's death last season. I love GOT (or at least I did before they got ahead of the books this season - the dialogue and storytelling has really