
I know many fans remain unconvinced by the Jon/Dany romance. But come ON. He is her freaking ideal man - great warrior (but crappy general), selfless leader, hot, and most importantly, understands and loves strong women. Plus he is gentle and kindhearted and cannot resist helping the weak. Sam, ahem. Dany is his

It showed that Lord Tarly chose the wrong son.

No, it's fake controversy to add drama to the Winterfell story, which would otherwise be (writer's perspective not mine) a happy girl-power family reunion.

If Sansa and Arya destroy one another then one of the main themes of the book, i.e., that Cat and Ned raised good kids is completely undermined. It would be narrative lunacy. No way Stark children betray one another.

How is she tottering on the edge of irrational? How has she not been exemplary compared to every single other ruler in Westeros except for Mace Tyrell or Doran, who were fools?

Then he is stupid. Sansa was a child when she wrote that letter. Its content should establish that.

Or both young women are playing him. If the show producers don't make that the point then I will start to wonder if they are actually sexist.

Yes. This your real issue, isn't it. She is a hot young woman who doesn't know her place.

Again baloney. And which Lords of Westeros are you referring to? Stannis, who burned people at the stake? The Lannisters who have destroyed entire houses men, women and children? The Starks who executed a deserter who had a very good reason to desert?

Bullshit! Had she shown them mercy no one would have taken her seriously. Tarly got what he deserved. Remember how he treated Sam. Stop hating on strong women.

Thank you. The whole Danybis cruel or maybe crazy is a bullshit effort to add depth and complexity so the story doesn't end up mimicking LOTR. The truth is ALL epic fantasy mimics Tolkien. GRRM can't finish the books because he knows that to be true to his tale the story must end in a way that will anger the bulk of

Jaime tried to murder a 10 year old to conceal his incestuous and treasonous affair. What? Are you from West Virginia?

Not the same. Tolkien used the songs as thematic counterpoints. Martin's endless minutiae is a tactic to hide that he is all written out. He has no idea how to end his books.

The chains ensure that books are not lost. Sheesh.

After murdering the entire Tyrell line. Stop it. Also, didn't Tarley give Sam the same ultimatum!!!!!!! To his own son yet!

There were no real rules. The rules of succession were established to protect whomever had the power. Might made right. Period.

The constant "Cersei loved her children meme" is getting ridiculous. No loving mother would have murdered her son's wife in cold blood to avoid an embarrassing trial that she brought on herself. Cersei is a monster with no "redeeming" qualities except her looks and her animal cunning.

Wait a minute!!! Randall Tarley was a traitor to his own liege. His treachery lead to Olenna's death and the utter destruction of House Tyrell. (This is nothing like Robb's ill-advised beheading of Karstark, whose son was murdered by Jaime!!!) How was Danny's punishment more severe and less just than Jon's

Oh come on!!!! They were clearly referring to the assassination. Hemophilia does not equate to massive hemorrhaging. And the assassination was a long time ago. you may have thought it was in bad taste, but the show thrives on bad taste.

Yes. Sansa may be having a plan. And she doesn't want littlefinger to read it in her face.