The Bishop

Yeah, while I was a little dissapointed by the anti-climactic ending, realistically, every brush in I've had with the law ended so anti-climacticly I had to ask the public defender " Are you fucking kidding me? " My last public defender looked down at me over her glasses and shrugged, saying " You want to fight this?

While I still loved this season about a million times more than first, this season finale was a little disappointing. Here's why.

He was the kind of guy who when you found out he smoked pot, your first thought would be " How can this guy smoke so much pot and still be such an asshole? "

Action figure weapons were right behind Legos on my dad's " If I step on it in my bare feet it's going in the Goddamn garbage! " list.

Isn't action figure torture and mutilation an early signal that you're going to grow up and be a serial killer?

Right? Me and my little brother would would set our action figures on opposing sides and take turns shooting them with Pellet guns. My Greedo was hollow plastic, and took a pellet in the chest and shattered. I never got to hang on to my toys as a kid. The second we stopped playing with them they became hand me downs

I actually had every one of them in the above picture except the medical droid.

Turn ons: Tax breaks for the upperclass, cutting social programs, ending same sex marriage.

He was a colossal waste of human life.

One of my brother's friends got court ordered rehab after getting pulled over while smoking a joint. On his first day the counselor went around asking everyone why they were here. Most of the people were there for booze and coke. When he was called on he said " I'm only here cause the judge told me I had to come. I

Sympathy upvote. That blows.

I read the book about ten years ago, and it was really a harrowing read. As soon as I saw the commercial for it, it looked like Howard was gonna McBay the shit out of it.

Yeah, I'm going to have to break my habit of not seeing movies in the theater to see this. I'm even going as far as burning a vacation day to see it during a matinee on a Tuesday, where a local theater runs a special $ 5.50 ticket price all day.

Somewhere between 250 and 500 million Galactic Credits.

Oh, so Hawaii is more important than all your AV Club pals? Go fuck yourself Fuzzwater, you're a shitty excuse for a human being.

* sings first few lines of Dion's " The Wanderer ", is felled under a hail of bottles of Bud Light *

I really didn't watch SNL during his tenure, but of all the alumni who've gone on to a reasonable amount of fame, his I don't understand at all. I get Whig, Samberg, and Sudekis going on to bigger things, but Armisen? I don't get it.

I don't see race with Fred Armisen, I just see screamingly unfunny.

I couldn't get through a single episode of Portlandia , but Documentary Now! was funny. I can't explain why I dislike Fred Armisen so much. It's like an instinctual fear of snakes and insects, I just find him repellant.

Maybe Dr. Ben Carson can successfully separate them. I've heard he's actually a good surgeon when he's not spouting batshit crazy nonsense while running a political campaign…