Are you referring to the UK version? I've heard a lot of good things about it, the US version? Not so much…
Are you referring to the UK version? I've heard a lot of good things about it, the US version? Not so much…
Still shooting for that " World's Greatest Dad " coffee mug, are we?
Actually, it was a woman. She definitely took a " Why try to teach kids about sex, when I can just gross them out and horrify them? " approach.
Or like I did, from a sadistic Biology teacher whose syllabus consisted of a slideshow of STD riddled genitalia, followed by a short film of a woman giving birth.
Please, sir! My father wasn't some kind of monster who would explain sex to a three year old! He waited till I was five and…..I don't want to talk about this anymore…
My dad explained death to me when I was three by beating a hobo to death with his own bindle and dismembering the corpse and burning it in a pile of leaves. Trust me, you don't even want to know how he explained sex.
Women get their own film rating now?!? Man, they get all the good stuff! When are white man going to get their own film rating? When's gonna be our time?
This is why I agree with Frakenstien's Monster. FIRE BAD!!!!
I was just making a joke. Everybody knows they don't let the Irish into heaven.
No, the kind of trailer park you're thinking of was exactly the kind where it happened
Would you like to know how much money I make an hour from home, and what kind of car I bought with said money?
Chris Rock had a bit about when you're old you get nostalgic for the music that was popular when you first started getting laid. Too true. Wasn't a huge STP fan, but he was a part of the soundtrack of my youth. RIP…
Can you do anything?
Well then forget it, prude.
I liked his last special well enough, and will watch this if it comes to Netflix. SPOILERS(?): I thought it was kind of sad that during the end of the credits he was talking about how great things were going with his much younger lady friend, saying how maybe it was time to settle down and have a kid. Then about two…
You're a lot cooler than I first thought. We should hang out…
Yeah, I just refreshed my homepage and see there is more than a few posts about it.
Where did you hear this? I can't find anything but a tweet from Dave Navarro.
I'm not sure how you define " dicking around with gun I know is empty " means. If you're practicing your QuickDraw, spinning it around on your finger, cracking walnuts, or pointing at the mirror and saying " Are you talking to me? I don't see you looking at anyone else, so you must be talking to me. " then that's…
Yeah, probably. But I'm almost positive these idiots didn't take any kind of gun safety course.